Sermon Notes – I Should’ve Had a V-8!

Wow! I should’ve had a V-8!”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

July 6-7, 2019

Scripture: Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20

I like to call today’s scripture the “V-8 Gospel.” Paul had a V-8 moment while preaching in Athens, Greece. While there, he modified his preaching and used a philosophical approach instead. It didn’t go well. After that experience, he preached as God had instructed. He preached about the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection with great success. So, when Christ asks you to do something, follow His instructions! This is no fool’s errand. Think about the miracle He performed when 5000 people were fed with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Christ told the disciples to have the people sit in groups of hundreds and fifties. After the people were properly seated, He prayed over the food, and everyone ate until satisfied with 12 baskets left over.

God is hope for sinners. Everything He ever said, has happened. Go out and proclaim the gospel and the good news…that there is salvation through our Savior. Let people see His love. He gave us all the power to proclaim the gospel at our Baptism during which we were filled with grace and infused with the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Will you be roundly mocked? Sure. You won’t always get good results, but don’t take it personally. Do you know how many times I have been cursed at and thrown out of hospital rooms? Lots. But that’s okay…I am only worried about the end results. Now, if you are waiting for thanks for your good works, you may be waiting a long time. We may not be present or even know the results of our work. Also, we may plant the seeds and someone else may reap the harvest. One sows and another reaps. However, we will get our reward from Him.

A word of caution about evangelization. If you encounter anyone who may be possessed by demons, do NOT mess around with them. Only priests can do exorcisms. I can do them in an emergency, but I have Holy Water.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you do whatever He tells you instead of having V-8 moments? Will you proclaim the gospel and the good news…that there is salvation through our Savior? Will you show people His love?

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