Sermon Notes – I am Fine

“I am Fine”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

October 19-20, 2019

Scripture: Luke 18:1-8

Recently, I was visiting a man at the VA Hospital. When I asked him how he was doing, he said “Fine.” I thought to myself, “Dude, you’re in the hospital, how fine can you be!” I often ask patients if they would like to make peace with God and come back to Church. Usually, they say “No, I am fine.” Hey, I’ve seen the numbers on your chart, and they all end with Stage 4. I wouldn’t be taking out a magazine subscription right now! The word “Fine” can be used as an acronym for Fouled up, Insensitive, Neurotic, and Emotional.

Only 37% of people are regular churchgoers. Sadly, even though you have made sacrifices, many of your children do not participate in the Mass. My family is not immune to this trend, and it breaks my heart. I was at a funeral and one of my cousins asked me if I “still believed all that stuff”. No, I wear this outfit to get out of tickets!

Our Lord never said to have parish councils, to create new programs, or to have a 2nd collection. Instead, He said to proclaim the message. All other changes are like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We are all called to be disciples and to preach as Christ did. We are called to sow the seed of His word whether it is convenient or not and whether they like it or not. And, if they don’t like it, there is something wrong in them…it’s called sin. It can be depressing, and we can become discouraged when people do not respond the way we hoped they would, but we must let the Good Lord take it from there. You are doing the right thing, and He is pleased.

Even if we were able to pack this sanctuary at every Mass, you have a much bigger audience than I could ever have. Saint Timothy said to preach the word not only with our lips, but as Saint Francis said also with our actions. Preach the word that Christ has taught us without changing the language, and He will be pleased. Will you get your feelings hurt? Oh yes! But timing is everything. Sometimes I wait until the drug cart has gone by before talking to a patient.

People say the Church needs to change the laws on this or that and such and such a thing. They say if you change the teaching, I’ll come back to church. But, Christ meant what He said. He never changed His mind. When He proclaimed the truth and everyone left Him, did He change the truth then? No, and He didn’t run after them. As Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t handle the truth!” When Christ asked his apostles if they would leave Him too, Saint Peter said “To whom should we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Father’s Reflections…

• G.K. Chesterton, a former atheist, left the Anglican church and converted to Catholicism, because he wanted his sins forgiven, not just explained away.

• Men, stay awake with one eye open, because while you sleep, your wives are plotting

How will you apply this message to your life? Are you or someone you know “Fine”? Will you preach His word to others with your lips as well as your actions?

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