Sermon Notes – An Angry Heart

“Everybody’s Got A Hungry Heart”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

September 21-22, 2019

Scripture: Luke 16:1-13

Our lives are orderly when everything is in it’s proper place. Likewise, most things are good if they are used for their proper purpose. For example, both gravel and wood are useful; however, it is painful if you get a piece of gravel in your eye or a splinter in your finger. Money is a good thing to have, but if used in the wrong way, it can act like a cancer, bringing desperation, hurt, anger, and bitterness. If used to support your family or a charity, having money can be wonderful. But, many people try to fill the hole in their souls with the things that money can buy. Money cannot bring anything that lasts. I previously served at a rich parish, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that having money does not automatically give you lasting hope and peace. Only a “Who” can heal the hole in your soul. Only God can heal a hungry heart.

We try to fill the hole in our hearts with all kinds of things. If I could drink more or eat lots of chocolate cake, my life would be great. If I could just marry my girlfriend, I’d be happy. However, once we get what we crave, the thrill often fades and we want something – or someone – new. Money, people, and objects will never fill the hole in our hearts. In fact, they can cause more pain. Only God can heal our hearts. 12-Step programs help people with addiction. The first step in all

12-step programs is to admit defeat of self-will. We must surrender ourselves to Him. And, when we do, we gain everything. Who wants us more than God? Who understands us more than God? Who knows us better than God? Who loves us in spite of ourselves more than God? Who can guide, love, and protect us better than God? Nobody! He is the source of hope and peace in our souls. Will we still have troubles? Yes! But, once we surrender our pride and lose ourselves in God, we will find ourselves.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you stop trying to fill the hole in your heart with people, money, and things? Will you keep God at the center of your life so that He can heal your soul?

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