Sermon Notes – The Three Visits

“The Three Visits“

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

December 5-6, 2020

Scripture: Mark 1: 1-8

I was doing my rounds at the VA Hospital, and I saw this one veteran…a 90 year old nurse. So, I went over and gave her a COVID kiss on the top of her head through my mask. She looked up at me and said, “Why aren’t you married.” I said, “Because I couldn’t find a woman drunk enough.” Don’t ever do what I do in hospitals. I’m lucky I haven’t been escorted out with police bracelets.

Saint Bernard’s writings tell us about the three visits by Christ to the world. The first visit occurs at Christmas, and the third one happens at the end of world or at our own death. The second visit is intermediate. It occurs when He comes and He knocks on the door to our souls asking for entrance. He will come with His Father into our souls; to dine with Him and He with us. That second visit is important, because it happens through the Sacraments. It is also how we discover the beauty and the mystery of Christ’s original coming to the world at Christmas through the Incarnation. Our devotion to and great frequency of participating in the Sacraments, especially Holy Communion, helps ensure our salvation. It also increases our understanding of that beautiful mystery, so that we will not fear Christ’s third visit. In fact, we will look forward to it.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you participate in the Sacraments to help ensure your salvation?

Father’s Afterthoughts: You know what grasshoppers taste like? Chicken. Everything tastes like chicken, except Monkey. Monkey tastes like… monkey.

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