Sermon Notes – Holy Day Mass

Holy Day Mass

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

January 1, 2019

When I reflect upon my life, I realize that I have been blessed with family and friends…more than I probably deserve. My mother has been gone now for over 20 years, but she taught me well. She gave me great gifts of love that I could never repay. My mother always strove to care for her husband and children.

At the wedding in Cana, Mary approached her son with a simple statement: “They have no wine” (John 2:3). So, in response to Mary’s intercession, He performed His first miracle by turning 60 gallons of water into wine. Now, this wasn’t just any wine; it was the best that could be had anywhere.

Mary is both our heavenly mother and that of the Church. She loves us and is watching over us, ready to intercede on our behalf…not because we deserve it, but because she wants us to be with God forever and to have everlasting life. We need to meditate on her love and thank her for her intercessions for us. Are we worthy? No. But, the Lord never asks what we have done for Him or how much we tithe, because He loves us unconditionally.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you meditate on Mary’s love for you and thank her for her intercessions on your behalf?

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