Minute Meditation – Striving for Perfection

Conversion was a matter for serious consideration with Solanus, not only in the lives of others but especially for his own soul. Sometimes he would say to a visitor, “You pray for my conversion, and I will pray for yours.” Again, in a letter: “Only in heaven can we be satisfied as being fully and really converted.” Thus he was at all times mindful of his own need to strive after perfection by the practice of virtue. A novice brother reported how he had seen Solanus running to the office when his call bell rang. The superior, who was standing in the corridor, called out sharply, “Father Solanus! Don’t run, slow down.” Immediately Solanus stopped, then slowly made his way to the office. Solanus’s humble act of obedience made a lasting impression on the novice.

—from the book Gratitude and Grit: The Life of Blessed Solanus Casey
by Brother Leo Wollenweber, OFM Cap, page 65

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