Honest Humble Prayer

Honest Humble Prayer

I have learned that the plan of God is much more exciting than anything I ever could have fashioned for myself. The impulse to become like the people we admire can become a great hindrance to our spiritual life. Our vocation, or state of life, should form our life of prayer and spiritual practices. “Pray as you are” is a straightforward way to remember this. I am not a hermit, a monastic, or even a mendicant friar. I am a secular priest.

So, please, pray as you are and not as you wish or think you should. Always be faithful to your state of life. In the seemingly mundane, ordinary circumstances of your life, the most extraordinary and unexpected thing can happen: You become a saint!

—from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “Let Us Pray: Pray As You Are“
by Fr. Gary Caster

Franciscan Media: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/minute-meditations/honest-humble-prayer/