What If They Won’t Forgive Me?

You said an unkind word or reacted rashly. You feel terrible because it was directed at someone you love. When you ask for their forgiveness the wound they feel is too raw and they don’t accept your apology. What can you do?

Today, Fr. Mike shares a word of challenge and encouragement on how to exercise the virtue of patience and show mercy as you wait to be forgiven.

What It Costs to Forgive

Sometimes saying sorry just isn’t enough.

Chances are that you can remember a time you hurt someone through your actions. Maybe it was just missing something important to them, or letting your words slip to someone else, but whatever you did cost them something. And when your mistakes lead to someone in your life losing something, saying you’re sorry just isn’t enough.

Today, Fr. Mike explains why we have to ask people for forgiveness and not just say we’re sorry.

Do I Have to Forgive & Forget?

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘To err is human; to forgive, divine?’ Surprisingly this well-known phrase does not come from the Bible but a poem by the English poet Alexander Pope.

Today, Fr. Mike shares some great insights into the process of forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration and how God offers all three stages to us in the Sacrament of Confession.

Struggling to Forgive Yourself?

As Catholics, we believe in the forgiveness of our sins through the graces of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. But often, even though we are absolved but we can struggle to forgive ourselves for our past faults and failings.

Today, Fr. Mike shares the main reason why we struggle to let go of the past and surrender to God who is our loving Father.

4th Week of Lent – The Prodigal You – Will You Return to Him?

The story of the prodigal son is a picture of God’s deep love for us as His beloved children. God, the compassionate Father, longs for you to return to Him and welcome you home with outstretched arms.

This week, we place ourselves in the shoes of the prodigal son and search in our hearts where we need compassion from the Father. No matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past, now is the time to return and allow God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness to embrace you.

God wants to give you more. How will you respond this Lent?

The Uncomfortable Truth about Forgiveness

The Uncomfortable Truth About Forgiveness – The Biggest Forgiveness Misconceptions (& how to get past them)


Forgiveness is one of those things we often get wrong. Both in action and in outlook.

Perhaps we think it is easy, until someone wounds us deeply.

Or we think it’s a sign of weakness, until we realize the strength it takes to give and receive it.

Maybe more than anything else, we think forgiveness has a limit. That there are some things that can’t be forgiven, shouldn’t be forgiven.

Today, Allen reflects on a powerful moment where Jesus shows us the truth about forgiveness.

//Dynamic Catholic//

Life is Messy – Hearing the Call of Destiny

Hearing the Call of Destiny

John the Baptist did not spend time away in the desert just to be one with nature—he was led there by the Spirit of God to prepare for his mission in life. He may have been surprised by where he ended up!


What if he had resisted God’s urging to go out into the wilderness? Who would have baptized Jesus in the Jordan river?

In order to fulfill the unique calling for each of our lives, we need to follow the example of John—to allow God to lead us.

Watch today’s reflection to discover the key word we sometimes forget that is essential to hearing God in our day-to-day lives!