Daily Devotion – God’s Strategies

“Pharaoh will say of the Israelites: They are wandering around the land in confusion; the wilderness has boxed them in. I will harden Pharaoh’s heart so that he will pursue them.” – Exodus 14:3-4 CSB

It seemed like an impossible situation. The Israelites themselves seemed perplexed. Under God’s direction, they appeared to be “wandering around the land in confusion.” What puzzled the Egyptians was that they placed themselves in a situation with no apparent escape.

The Israelites might have looked trapped, but the Egyptians didn’t realize they were following an amazing strategy designed by God. In fact, the Israelites themselves didn’t really understand His plan. After all, they were unarmed, trapped between a great army and a massive body of water. Justifiably, many Israelites were bewildered and afraid. Some wished they had stayed in Egypt. Many were prepared to give up!

No person could have conceived of God’s plan or acted in the way He designed. But His plan worked perfectly and led to a total victory.

The Israelites could not have known that the Egyptians themselves were full of fear (Exodus 15:14-16). They sensed that Israel’s God was special. More than forty years later, the people of Jericho admitted hearing how He “dried up the water of the Red Sea.” They marveled at how God saved His people (Joshua 2:10).

Trust God in the situations you face. Commit your ways to Him. Seek His wisdom. Ask for His strategies. You may not understand His plans, but you can trust Him, even in conditions that seem impossible and with unexpected methods.


Father, I commit these situations to You: _______. I seek Your strategies. I will follow You. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading

Exodus 14

//Inspiration Ministeries//

Daily Devotion – Wanderings

“You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle – are they not in Your book … This I know, for God is for me … In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? – Psalm 56:8-11 AMPC

The psalmist David admitted that there were times when he wandered. He also realized that God would “number and record [his] wanderings.” These were times when he failed God and strayed from the right path. He made mistakes and doubted God many times.

Perhaps David was disappointed that his efforts fell short of his expectations. He was disappointed when he sinned against God. Perhaps he did not receive the answers he expected or failed to experience God’s blessing.

In every situation, God knew his actions. He had numbered and recorded everything before he even did it. When the psalmist cried out because of his pain and failures, he knew that God was prepared to forgive and restore him. If he genuinely repented, God was ready to put his tears into a bottle (v. 8).

His experience reminds us that even our closest friends have limited understanding, and the smartest person only has limited wisdom. How much better it is for us to trust in God!

Right now, no matter what you face, remember that you can trust Him. Be honest with Him. Tell Him every need, worry, and fear. Admit your failings, wanderings, and sins. Accept His forgiveness and restoration. Let Him give you a fresh start.

Be so confident that you can say, “I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Remember, God is for you in every situation!

Prayer: Father, I need Your help in this situation: _________. I will not be afraid no matter what others do or say. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading: Psalm 56