The Catechism in a Year – Day 323 – Truth, Beauty, and Sacred Art

Have you ever been moved by beauty? As we conclude our journey through the eighth commandment, we learn that beautiful art points us to the truth and perfection of God. Lastly, Fr. Mike reminds us that this commandment encourages us to always walk in the light and bear witness to Christ in all we say and do. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2500-2513.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 322 – Respect for Truth

Charity dictates who we reveal the truth to. We learn today that the “right to the communication of truth is not unconditional.” Fr. Mike explains that this means we ought to examine what facts we reveal to others prudently. Fr. Mike highlights the role of mass media in disseminating the truth and the importance of guarding ourselves against gossip. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2488-2499.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 321 – Offenses Against Truth

What does it mean to live out the truth? This theme carries over as we continue our evaluation of the eighth commandment. We learn the Catechism’s teachings on ways we violate truth, degrees of gravity based on circumstances, and the duty of reparation. Fr. Mike discusses each offense and offers resonating examples to reflect on. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2475-2487.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 320 – The Truth

We begin our dive into the eighth commandment: “You shall not bear false witness.” The Catechism defines truth, identifies the importance of truth, and reflects on martyrdom. Fr. Mike unpacks all of this information and reminds us that our duty as Christians is to live in the truth and bear witness to the truth in what we say and how we act. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2464-2474.

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Fact Check: Is Life Supposed to be Comfortable?

“If you want to destroy people, make them comfortable. Give them every comfort they desire. Love of comfort poisons the soul by reducing our ability to hear truth and align our lives with it.

When we hear truth, we have one of two reactions. If we are living the truth we hear, we delight in the splendor of it. If we are not living that truth, we become uncomfortable, because unlived truth is always an invitation to change.

And let’s face it, there is plenty of truth we aren’t living.

A lover of comfort closes himself off from truth because it isn’t comfortable. He will even avoid the truth that he knows will liberate him from his addiction to comfort.

Don’t get too comfortable. Life isn’t supposed to be comfortable. Constant comfort isn’t good for us. Allow it to serve when you need to be restored and rejuvenated, but don’t become a lover of comfort. Comfort will destroy you long before the difficulties of life.”

7 Questions to Ask Before This Year Gets Away From You

“People spend a lot of time thinking about the year ahead between Christmas and New Years’ Eve each year, and the fruit of this is often new plans and New Years’ resolutions. Critics often focus on the fact that most New Years’ resolutions don’t last more than a month. But I think they are missing something.

What people get out of a few days and probably just a few hours of reflection towards the end of the years is actually significant. We just need a few more of those reflection hours throughout the year to fine tune our plans and sustain our resolutions.

So, at this point of the year, I present seven questions for you to spend some time reflection upon before this year gets away from you.

1. Who and what are you most grateful for so far this this?

2. What have you accomplished so far this year?

3. What have been your biggest distractions?

4. What personal quality is most preventing you from accomplishing what you yearn to accomplish and becoming the person you yearn to be?

5. Whom have you helped more than anybody else this year?

6. What is taking up your time, effort, and mental energy that needs to be firmly placed on your NOT TO DO list?

7. What truth are you refusing to face in your life?

There is still plenty of year left to start a business, write a book, marry the one you love, and watch more sunsets. But as Napoleon observed, “Those who fail to plan can plan to fail.”