How to Start a New Chapter in Life

Change is always hard. Transitions in life are difficult. Goodbyes are never easy. Endings are rarely joyful. But today, Fr. Mike suggests that beginnings are even more crucial. He encourages us to take 3 steps whenever we start over, and to let each one of ourselves “be a beginner.”

Be patient with yourself.

Don’t freak out.

And be willing to ask for help.

Fr. Mike has way more to say about trusting God, and a great place to start is his book Untroubled by the Unknown: Trusting God in Every Moment ( We hope it’s a blessing to you!

Minute Meditation – A Season of Transition

Transitions are tender seasons, not unlike the nine months when a woman gestates a seed prior to the birth of a child. New awareness can be fragile, and our old ways of being have the strength and energy of long-lived habits to give them considerable momentum and power. As the image of being attentive to a seed implies, you have to become more watchful. Care needs to be exercised. Fresh insights and new awareness have not yet been tested outside of your own heart, nor subjected to the gaze of others. It takes practice.

— from the book Stars at Night: When Darkness Unfolds As Light by Paula D’Arcy

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