Sermon Notes – “When a One Man Band Gets Hit in the Butt by a Beer Truck, the Music Stops“

“When a One Man Band Gets Hit in the Butt by a Beer Truck, the Music Stops“

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

Holy Thursday – April 1, 2021

Gospel:  John 13:1-15

Without the institution of the priesthood, the gift our Lord gave the apostles would have ended when He took the human nature He received from the Blessed Mother to Heaven on Pentecost.  When a one man band gets hit in the butt by a beer truck, the music stops.  He took the human nature of the apostles and made them into Christs.  This was part of their ordination at the Last Supper….to continue the gifts of His love and the fruits of His sacrifice and to feed His people with His most Precious Body and Blood as they were fed.  The hands that fed the apostles of Christ so too are the hands that feed you when the priest gives you Holy Communion.  The priest acts in persona Christi, in the person of Christ, to feed you the exact same body and the exact same blood.  Outward appearances vary, but it is the same Christ who feeds you.  It is the same Christ who enters your soul through participation in the Sacraments.  It was so great an honor for the apostles, that He reminded them when He washed their feet. Washing feet was a dirty, disgusting job that was left to slaves to do.  But, Jesus showed them His humility and told them that they must do the same.  “You have been given a great gift.  I have chosen you; you have not chosen Me. I have chosen you for the possibility of cooperating with the grace of great teachers, healers, and evangelists of the world.  But, to do so, you must be like Me who humbled Himself by taking the form of a slave.  You, too, must be willing to do the work of a slave.”

This gift I have been given as a priest, which has been passed on from generation to generation, is not for me.  It’s not a reward for my parents for raising a nice little boy.  It’s not a reward for me for passing all my courses in seminary.  I really did.  My degree was not honorary, contrary to popular belief.  I really earned it.  This gift is not a reward because I could pass tests.  It was given for you so that you may have Christ in you and the fruits of His death given to you.  It was given so that you could receive the fruits of the Mass by being fed His body and blood.  It was given so that your souls could be washed in His blood in the Sacrament of Penance.  It was given so that you could be united in the Sacrament of Marriage, strengthened in Confirmation, and healed on the way to salvation by receiving Last Rights.  In the past week, I have administered five.  It’s been an interesting week.  But, this gift is for you.  The gift of priests is a gift to the Church.  To bring salvation and the gift of the Real Presence of our Lord, body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament. This is our faith.  I am vowed as a priest to protect it with my very life.  Priests never talk about that vow.  They talk about the promises they made, but they never talk about their vow to protect the Most Blessed Sacrament. 

God loves you so much and wants to be with you to help you bear the crosses of this life so that you may have eternal life.  That’s His great love.  That’s why He gave these gifts to the Church.  That’s why He instituted the priesthood – not for me so that I could have a fancy title before my name, but to administer His Sacraments, to teach, sanctify and lead people to Him.  These gifts were given for you so that you may have life and have it to the fullest.  And, one day after courageously bearing your crosses, and not only courageously bearing them, but getting back up after you’ve fallen, you will enjoy the fullness of His love.  Pray for that last Sacrament to be given. 

As Saint Simeon said, “Now let Your servant go in peace; Your word has been fulfilled.”

Minute Meditation – Actions Speak Louder Than Words

“Today, at this moment, as I perform the same act as Jesus by washing the feet of you twelve, we are all engaged in the act of brotherhood, and we are all saying: ‘We are diverse, we are different, we have different cultures and religions, but we are brothers and sisters and we want to live in peace.’ This is the act that I carry out with you. Each of us has a history on our shoulders, each of you has a history on your shoulders: so many crosses, so much pain, but also an open heart that wants brotherhood. —Pope Francis

Perhaps no action by Pope Francis has generated as much astonishment in the press (and perhaps in the Church!) as his washing the feet of prisoners—men, women, Christian, Muslim. A ritual that has at times become an honor for the elite once again returns to what Jesus intended: “As I have done, so you must do.” In his preaching on Holy Thursday, Pope Francis draws attention to the difference between the acts of Judas and Jesus at the Last Supper. The Holy Thursday liturgy is marked by the ritual gesture of the washing of the feet. We think of it as the institution of the Eucharist, and it is that as well. But the central action of service reminds us that our communion is more than a meal, more than nourishment for our bodies and souls. It’s the act of taking on the mission, the ministry, the very body of Christ. And it is a challenge to us to remain in communion not only with one another, but with all people of the world. Our unity is far from perfect, but today’s liturgy reminds us that if we are not always working toward that unity, then, like Judas, we are finding excuses to betray Christ’s ideals. 

Today we enter into the holiest days of our Church year. We celebrate the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the act that changed the very nature of human reality. Take some time to explore the way other religions similarly call their people to do loving acts of service for others. The more we know about those whose faith differs from ours, the more we will discover the common bonds that unite us. 

— from the book The Hope of Lent: Daily Reflections from Pope Francis,

by Diane M. Houdek

//Franciscan Media//

Today’s Feast Day – Holy Thursday

On Thursday of Holy Week (Maundy Thursday) the Church celebrates the three pillars of the Catholic Church instituted by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper: the priesthood, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the Holy Eucharist. This is the traditional day for priests to gather with their bishop at the Chrism Mass, to receive oils blessed by the bishop and to publicly renew their priestly promises. In the evening the Church celebrates the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. After this Mass the altar is stripped bare and the Blessed Sacrament is removed from the Tabernacle and processed to a separate altar of repose. Here the Blessed Sacrament is adored until late in the night to commemorate the time Jesus spent in Garden of Gethsemane in agonizing prayer, the start of his Passion. The Blessed Sacrament is then taken away and hidden until the Easter Vigil in memory of Our Lord’s death and burial.

//The Catholic Company//