The Catechism in a Year – Day 317 – International Justice and Solidarity

Internationally, there is often a large gap in the resources between countries. The Catechism explains the justice and solidarity that should exist among all nations, rich and poor. Rich nations have a duty of solidarity, charity, and justice to support nations who are unable to fully ensure their own development. Fr. Mike emphasizes that direct aid is not all the Church advocates for, but that we also have a duty to help reform these nations. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2437-2442.

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Minute Meditation – Set an Intention

Presence exacts its coin —
our dearly held desire for self-preoccupation,
and the fantasy of control that presumes to preside over and above.
Mystics, artists, and prophets exemplify
this surrender into solidarity;
letting the self be moved by suffering and inspired by imagining.
True spiritual practice harbors this same intention —
the hand-over of self, that places us on a collision-course with grace
and draws us into a deepened state of readiness.
This holy intention
leads to whole, undivided attention,
where we come to know life in its raw fullness!

— from the book Wandering and Welcome: Meditations for Finding Peace
by Joseph Grant