Daily Devotion – Clarity

“Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they saw the God of Israel; and under His feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself.” – Exodus 24:9-10 NASB

This was a special moment when Israel’s leaders would have a personal encounter with God Himself. These men needed to be prepared. They understood His nature and realized that He is holy, and He could not be approached as a regular person.

In this special moment, “a pavement of sapphire” played a critical role. This was a unique material with characteristics important to God and His interaction with men and women.

This material was “clear as the sky itself.” The presence of sapphire enabled these men to see God with clarity, so there could be no question of what they saw. This sapphire demonstrated that He wanted them to know Him and understand His nature. They were to realize that they could have a personal relationship with Him. But they had to approach Him the right way.

Sapphire was used in similar ways elsewhere in the Bible. It was used to describe the throne of God (Ezekiel 10:1) and was a key part of the foundation of the new Jerusalem seen in John’s vision (Revelation 21:19).

The presence of sapphire reminds us of the importance of clarity for believers today. God wants us to see Him clearly, to know Him with complete transparency. He wants us to accurately understand His Word.

Ask God to deepen your personal relationship with Him, to know Him more intimately, and to understand Him more completely.


Father, help me to know You more clearly, to understand Your Word, and to serve You more faithfully. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading

Exodus 24

//Inspiration Ministries//