Daily Message from Pope Francis – Grace Saves Us

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

“Grace saves us; salvation is pure grace, pure gratuitousness. Jesus says this clearly in the Gospel: what makes us just is not the righteousness we show before others, but our sincere relationship with the Father. The beginning of the return to God is the recognition of our need for Him and His mercy, our need for His grace. This is the right path, the path of humility. Do I feel in need, or do I feel self-sufficient?” Pope Francis

Daily Devotion – Celebrate!

“Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, “Let My people go that they may celebrate a feast to Me in the wilderness.”’” – Exodus 5:1 NASB

God asked Moses to deliver a message to Pharaoh: He wanted His people to “celebrate a feast.” The desire to celebrate was emphasized often. Later, He instructed Moses that they were to celebrate a feast to the Lord. They were “to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance” (Exodus 12:14).

When they were freed from bondage, He told them, Three times a year you shall celebrate a feast to Me” (Exodus 23:14). The Hebrew word here describes moving in a circle, observing a festival, dancing, even being giddy. This was to be a real celebration!

This emphasis demonstrates clearly that celebration is important to God. There is a time for everything, including a time to celebrate (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4). Yet it can be easy to be overwhelmed with our problems. We tend to focus on obstacles and the troubles we face and feel discouraged.

But, as God reminded the Israelites, there are times to stop and celebrate. We need to remember the miracles we have experienced, think about how God has met our needs, reflect on His promises, and praise Him instead of complaining or worrying.

Are you burdened? Weary? Worried? For a moment set these thoughts aside. Just concentrate on God. Think about His goodness! His mercy! Salvation! Healing! Wisdom! And His promises! There may be problems in your life and the world. But remember. God is on the throne! He is sovereign! And He wants you to celebrate!

Prayer: Father, I worship You! Thank You that Your promises are true. I rejoice in Your faithfulness. I trust my life to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading: Exodus 5

Daily Devotion – Lighter Than Vapor

“Surely men of low degree are a vapor, men of high degree are a lie; if they are weighed on the scales, they are altogether lighter than vapor … if riches increase, do not set your heart on them … power belongs to God.” – Psalm 62:9-11 NKJV

Trusting in other people can seem so natural, so inevitable. We trust in banks and businesses, governments and experts, neighbors and relatives. But the Bible reminds us that even the most stable things and people can change. Even the smartest, best-intentioned people are imperfect.

David said that no one is immune. First, people “of low degree are a vapor.” Just like a vapor, they can vanish quickly. But people “of high degree” are no better. They “are a lie.” In fact, “they are altogether lighter than vapor.”

Many people react to this unstable world by throwing themselves into work. They seek to gain more power, possessions, and money. In this pursuit, some are willing to resort to stealing, cheating, or deception to get ahead.

But David reminded us not to “trust in oppression, nor vainly hope in robbery” (v. 10). Remember how quickly possessions and money fade away: “If riches increase, do not set your heart on them” (v. 10). David said that God told him repeatedly that power belongs only to Him.

In your life, remember that other people may disappoint you. But God never disappoints. The Bible encourages us to look at Him as our rock, our salvation, our stronghold. The things of this world may vanish like a vapor, but He is eternal. You can “trust in Him at all times” (v. 8).


Father, give me Your perspective on my life and the things of this world. I trust in You. I commit my life to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading

Psalm 62

Daily Devotion – Pour Out Your Heart

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” – Psalm 62:8 NASB

Throughout his life, David developed relationships with various people whom he trusted. Sadly, there were times when these trusted people let him down. Some failed to keep their promises. Some betrayed him for personal gain. Some simply forgot their commitments.

But through every circumstance, he realized that God always was faithful. He wrote, “My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him” (v. 5). God provided stability and a sure foundation: “He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken” (v. 6). He was his “refuge” and “the rock of [his] strength” (v. 7).

The Bible reminds us that we can trust God no matter what others do or say! It can be beneficial to confide in friends or family members, but it is most important to pour out our hearts before God.

This involves spending time with Him, confident in our relationship. It means being willing to share every detail of our needs – every thought, every feeling, every concern. Part of that process involves waiting before Him. David commanded his soul to “wait in silence for God only” (v. 5).

Pour out your heart to God. Release every concern to Him. Tell Him every detail of your needs. Receive His peace. Make Him your rock, your salvation, your stronghold. He is waiting, ready to hear from You. You can trust Him.


Father, here are things I am concerned about: ______. I depend on You for answers. Take away my worries. Give me Your peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading

Psalm 62

Daily Message from Pope Francis – February 2, 2021

“Salvation is not automatic; salvation is a gift of love and as such, it is offered to human freedom. Always, when we speak of love, we speak of freedom: love without freedom is not love; it may be interest, it may be fear, many things, but love is always free, and being free it calls for a freely given response: it calls for our conversion. Thus, it means changing mentality — this is conversion, changing mentality — and changing life: no longer following the examples of the world but those of God, who is Jesus; following Jesus; “doing” as Jesus had done, and as Jesus taught us. It is a decisive change of view and attitude.
Pope Francis