The Rhythm of Life – 21 Questions that will Change Your Life – Question #4: What Are You Worried About? 

“Welcome back to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #4 is about how we skip around between the past, present, and future… and how much of the now of life we miss out on by worrying about the future or getting tripped up in the past.

Question #4: How much of each twenty-four-hour period do you spend in the past, present, and future?

A great memory of time with friends from a few years back is a great way to spend a few moments of any day. Ruminating endlessly about something you did in the past or something that happened to you isn’t a great way to spend the precious now.

How much time did you spend lost in the past or the future yesterday? 10 minutes? An hour? Longer? Spend an hour a day lost in this type of worry about the future and ruminations of the past and it adds up. An hour a day means you spend two weeks a year doing just that.

What would you rather spend those two weeks doing this year? Every time you feel the past or the future pulling at you in unhealthy ways, turn your mind to the things would you rather spend those two weeks doing.”

60 Second Wisdom: It’s Time to Dream. What’s Yours?

“One of your most amazing abilities is your ability to dream. You can stand here, look into the future, imagine something bigger or better, and then chase it down and make it happen. That’s an amazing ability.

So, here’s my question for you today: What are your dreams?

The question takes most people off guard, because at some point most of us stopped dreaming. We get into survival mode, get absorbed with the daily realities of life, put other people’s dreams ahead of our own, and wake up one day and wonder what happened.

Today is that day. Time to wake up. Your dreams are your dreams for a reason. Time to dream again. Grab a piece of paper and make a list of ten things you would love to do. Don’t judge your dreams, just write them down. Then pick one – big or small – and get after it.

The future can be better than the past, and you can do something today to bring that about. So, whatever your dream is, get after it!”