Minute Meditation – The Story of Redemption

When Clare entered San Damiano, she came into possession of the beautiful Byzantine cross before which Francis had prayed. Now it was her “book” of prayer, her silent reminder each day: “Take up your cross and follow me.” In that Face, she saw mirrored the love that would insist that one who lays down a life is the greatest of Friends and the model of all Christian friendship. The story of redemption portrayed on the Cross helped her to anchor her soul in that mystery. One speaks of “reading” an icon. What did Clare read in that Cross? She found the images of those who accompanied Jesus to Calvary, the angels mourning the outrage they witness, the centurion piercing that beloved Heart with his lance. There, too, she would see the image of Christ ascending back to the heavenly firmament—his Father’s hand outstretched to welcome him.

— from the book Light of Assisi: The Story of Saint Clare

by Margaret Carney, OSF

//Franciscan Media//

Give Us This Day – Evening Intercessions

Creating God, you change our mourning into dancing. In hope we pray: Teach us your hidden wisdom, O God.  

Inspire scientists, medical researchers, and health-care workers in their efforts to stop the spread of disease.  

     Teach us your hidden wisdom, O God.  

Ease the suffering of those who have suffered trauma, and sensitize us to the hurts of others.  

     Teach us your hidden wisdom, O God.  

Help us to celebrate and protect life in all its stages and to order our days in peace and love.  

     Teach us your hidden wisdom, O God.  

Our Father . . .  

May the joy of holy Easter fill our hearts and lead us to rejoice always in Jesus, the salvation of God. Amen.