The Rhythm of Life – 21 Questions that will Change Your Life – Question #15: Are You Creating Memories? 

“Welcome back to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #15 is about making memories. What do you see when you look back on all the memories of your life? If all your memories were a movie, what category would that movie belong to? Comedy, tragedy, drama, musical, romantic comedy?

Question #15 is… If you had to choose between losing all your memories and never being able to make new ones, which would you choose? Tough question. Brutally tough question. But life itself is full of difficult choices. Every choice eliminates every other possibility.

Would you rather have your memories of the past or the chance to make new memories? Tough choice. You don’t have to make it, but thinking about tough questions changes the way we live our lives.

Today’s question is… If you had to choose between losing all your memories and never being able to make new ones, which would you choose?”

Minute Meditation – Share Your Memories With Jesus

How many things have we hidden away in our memories, afraid to look at them, to bring them to the surface and disarm them by facing them and seeing that they are not as bad as we thought? And if we look at them with Jesus at our side, it is easier still because they are healed by his sharing the memories with us. We are sometimes so successful in suppressing what we do not want to remember that to our conscious mind the experience is as if it never happened. But it smolders beneath the surface, burning little holes in our will when we want to do something and find we cannot do it. If we let Jesus share these memories with us, they lose all their power to scare us into inactivity. And this healing process frees us from the past.

— from the book Song of the Sparrow: New Poems and Meditations by Murray Bodo, OFM

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