Verse of the Day – God Speaks to Us in Various Ways

“In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe, who is the refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being, and who sustains all things by his mighty word. When he had accomplished purification from sins, he took his seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” Hebrews 1:1-3

//Catholic Woman//

Minute Meditation – Spiritual Vaccination

We have all seen the rod of Asclepius, or its common variation, the caduceus, on medical insignia throughout the world. It was the symbol of this Greek god of healing, but is also found here in our First Reading from the book of Numbers (21:4–9). It is a single or double serpent winding around a pole, and we are not sure if the Greeks or the Hebrews had it first. But surely its meaning was a universal discovery that today we would perhaps call vaccination! In short, “the cause is also the cure”! Who would have thought? It seems to be true both medically and psychologically. At any rate, we have Moses prescribing such medicine to the complaining Hebrews in the desert, who were being bit by winged/fiery serpents. The meaning and healing symbol returns again in John’s Gospel on many levels, all of them significant. The recurring phrase is, “the lifted up one.” It has now become a rallying cry for the Jesus who was raised up on the cross and thus “vaccinated us against” doing the same (3:13 and 19:37). Jesus being “lifted up” is offered as a healing icon of love to all of history (12:32), and finally, as a victory sign of the final resurrection and ascension of all the human ones, as is prefigured in today’s account about the archetypal “Human One,” Jesus (8:28). This is powerful material, just as vaccinations always are. We have a Divine Medicine brought down to a small but potent dosage so we can handle it and it can handle us! That is what true spiritual symbols always do. Remember what we said earlier in Lent: Any direct contact with God is like contact with an electric wire—it burns you unless you have some good filters and a very humble humanity to receive it. No wonder so many Catholics and Orthodox never tired of hanging images of the crucified Jesus in their homes and in their churches. We needed to “lift up” and “gaze upon” the transformative image just as Moses first did in the desert. It can and did and will change many lives and much of history. 

— from the book Wondrous Encounters: Scriptures for Lent

by Richard Rohr, OFM

//Franciscan Media//

The Bible in a Year – Day 362 – The Woman Clothed with the Sun

Fr. Mike continues to interpret the symbols within Revelation. He compares story of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the woman in Revelation. Fr. Mike provides context to the letter to the Hebrews, a letter that makes the case for Jesus, explaining who he is and the beauty of what he did for us. Today’s readings are Revelation 12-14, Hebrews 1-4, and Proverbs 31:16-18.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 363 – The New Covenant Priesthood

Fr. Mike draws a parallel between the symbols in the book of Revelation and the persecution by the Roman empire of the first Christians and encourages us to hold firm in our faith. Additionally, Fr. Mike reveals the beauty of the new covenant priesthood established by Jesus and explained in Hebrews. Today’s readings are Revelation 15-17, Hebrews 5-8, and Proverbs 31:23-25.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 364 – Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All

Fr. Mike dives into the fall of Babylon described in Revelation 18, pointing out how several images and expressions of this key chapter are taken from the judgmental oracles in the old testament, particularly those from the prophet Jeremiah. Fr. Mike also emphasizes the reality of God’s judgment, the resurrection of the dead, and how Christ’s sacrifice is presented to God in the heavenly sanctuary once and for all. Today we read Revelation 18-20, Hebrews 9-10, and Proverbs 31:26-29.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 365 – The Beginning and the End

Congratulations, you have made it to the last day of the Bible in a Year journey! Fr. Mike concludes our journey through the Bible by reflecting on the promise of a new heaven and a new earth in Revelation 21. It is this profound promise that reassures us that Christ is the beginning and the end, the one who makes all things new, the one who wipes away every tear, the one who conquers death, and the only one who offers us everlasting life, a life without end. Today’s readings are Revelation 21-22, Hebrews 11-13, and Proverbs 31:30-31.

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