What’s Stealing Your Energy?

21 Habits That Are DRAINING Your Energy! – Matthew Kelly

“What’s draining your energy? We all have habits that drain our energy. Some of them we are aware of and some of them we participate in unconsciously.

Here are 21 things that could be draining your energy. Pick three to work on. And remember, you can see the whole list at MatthewKelly.com. We publish the transcripts to all my YouTube videos on my blog.

1. Negativity.

2. Bad posture.

3. Not drinking enough water.

4. Lack of direction and priorities.

5. Forgetting to breathe deeply.

6. Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol.

7. Not taking a break.

8. Checking email first thing in the morning.

9. Taking things personally that are not personal.

10. Social media.

11. The news.

12. Worrying about things you cannot influence.

13. Sleeping too much.

14. Poor diet choices.

15. Complaining.

16. Noise.

17. Light.

18. Fear or anxiety.

19. Lack of exercise or too much exercise.

20. Perfectionism.

21. Making a big deal out of little things.

22. Skipping breakfast.

23. Never taking a real vacation.

24. Alcohol before bed.

25. Checking email before bed.

26. Your attitude.

27. Clutter and disorganization.

28. Too much food or not enough food.

29. Stress.

30. Lack of self-esteem.

31. Saying yes to things you know you should say no to.

32. Half finishing tasks.

33. Gossiping.

34. Toxic people and unhealthy relationships

35. Trying to please others constantly.

36. Ruminating on the past.

37. Not moving enough.

38. Resentment.

39. Worrying about what people think about you.

40. Watching TV that drains you emotionally and beats you up psychologically.

41. Planning too far into the future.

Okay, that was 41, not 21, I got carried away. But here’s the thing. Everyday there are an unlimited number of people and activities out to steal your energy if you let them. Don’t let them.

Have a great day… and remember, don’t just be yourself, be the-best-version-of-yourself!”

21 Habits That are Draining Your Energy

“What’s draining your energy? We all have habits that drain our energy. Some of them we are aware of and some of them we participate in unconsciously.

Here are 21 things that could be draining your energy. Pick three to work on. And remember, you can see the whole list at MatthewKelly.com. We publish the transcripts to all my YouTube videos on my blog.

1. Negativity.
2. Bad posture.
3. Not drinking enough water.
4. Lack of direction and priorities.
5. Forgetting to breathe deeply.
6. Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol.
7. Not taking a break.
8. Checking email first thing in the morning.
9. Taking things personally that are not personal.
10. Social media.
11. The news.
12. Worrying about things you cannot influence.
13. Sleeping too much.
14. Poor diet choices.
15. Complaining.
16. Noise.
17. Light.
18. Fear or anxiety.
19. Lack of exercise or too much exercise.
20. Perfectionism.
21. Making a big deal out of little things.
22. Skipping breakfast.
23. Never taking a real vacation.
24. Alcohol before bed.
25. Checking email before bed.
26. Your attitude.
27. Clutter and disorganization.
28. Too much food or not enough food.
29. Stress.
30. Lack of self-esteem.
31. Saying yes to things you know you should say no to.
32. Half finishing tasks.
33. Gossiping.
34. Toxic people and unhealthy relationships
35. Trying to please others constantly.
36. Ruminating on the past.
37. Not moving enough.
38. Resentment.
39. Worrying about what people think about you.
40. Watching TV that drains you emotionally and beats you up psychologically.
41. Planning too far into the future.

Okay, that was 41, not 21, I got carried away. But here’s the thing. Everyday there are an unlimited number of people and activities out to steal your energy if you let them. Don’t let them.

Have a great day… and remember, don’t just be yourself, be the-best-version-of-yourself!”

Matthew Kelley – Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Take Control

4 Ways to Stop Sabotaging Yourself (How to) Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Take Control of Your Life – Matthew Kelly

“Resistance wears a thousand masks, many of which are so effective we don’t even recognize resistance is behind them. Laziness, procrastination, fear, doubt, instant gratification, self-loathing, indecision, escapism, pride, self-deception, friction, tension, and self-sabotage are just some of the ways resistance manifests its ugly self in our lives and causes us to settle for so much less than God has imagined for us. You cannot become the-best-version-of-yourself unless you wake up every morning ready to slay resistance. Resistance stands between you and happiness.

Here are 4 ways to break through resistance and stop sabotaging yourself:

1. Be mindful when you are stressed, anxious, or over-tired, and learn ways to manage these states.
2. Abolish “If only…” thinking from your mind and life.
3. Whatever you are feeling – name it and own it! You are not your feelings, but if you avoid them, they will destroy you.
4. Develop one grounding habit that you do every day and NEVER miss. Run, walk, meditate, read… find your thing and ingrain it deep into your daily routine.

And remember, don’t just be yourself, become the best version of yourself!”