The Catechism in a Year – Day 300 – Science, Bodily Integrity, and the Dead

The Catechism looks at matters relating to scientific research, bodily integrity, and the dead with the lens of the dignity of the human person. Fr. Mike helps us navigate the Catechism’s teachings by acknowledging science and technology as a good while emphasizing restrictions and conditions to ensure respect for the dignity of persons. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2292-2301.

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60 Second Wisdom: Change Your Life in One Minute

My five-year-old Ralph came into my study the other night, to say goodnight, I gave him a huge hug and a kiss, he’s just delicious. And I said to him, I love you for two forevers.

“No daddy,” he replied.

I said, “What do you mean?”

He said, “There is only one forever.

I said “Really?”

He said, “Yes, this life is not forever, we are only passing through this life, the only forever is in heaven.”

Alright, so let’s take a beat and sit with that for a minute, this is coming from a five-year-old.

[Ralph] “This life is not forever.”

[MK] “It isn’t?”

[Ralph] “No. We are just passing through this world.”

Powerful! Take one minute every day for the rest of your life to think about the fact that you’re just passing through this life and soon you will be dead, and I guarantee you, you will live more passionately, more purposefully, more intentionally every day for the rest of your life.”