Daily Message from Pope Francis – His Flesh is the True Bread of Salvation


“Indeed, Jesus affirms that the true bread of salvation, which transmits eternal life, is His very flesh; that to enter into communion with God, before observing the laws or satisfying religious precepts, it is necessary to live out a real and concrete relationship with Him… This means that one must not pursue God in dreams and in images of grandeur and power, but He must be recognised in the humanity of Jesus and, as a consequence, in that of the brothers and sisters we meet on the path of life.” Pope Francis

Minute Meditation – Daily Glimpses of God

Even we in our ordinary lives can embrace Christ on the cross. We can place ourselves physically and spiritually in a space or place that makes it at least a compatible space for “hearing” God’s voice and “seeing” God’s manifestations, should God decide to show us the divine presence in a way that is beyond the faith we have from our baptism. And whether we actually hear or see anything of God or not, we are there at the foot of the cross letting him embrace us in any way he wills to embrace us. It could be as simple as an increase of the faith we already have; it could be an inspiration to do something further with our lives in order to praise and give thanks to God, or we could be inspired to follow Christ’s way of the cross more faithfully in our own lives. Saint Clare is, I believe, one of God’s chosen ones who shows us Someone we can love who is daily revealing his presence in images – like the cross, like the Eucharistic bread and wine. 

— from the book Mystics: Twelve Who Reveal God’s Loveby Murry Bodo, OFM

Morning Offering – The Bread and Wine

“This bread is bread before the words of the Sacrament. But when the words of Christ come to it, it is the body of Christ … Before the words of Christ it is a cup full of wine and water. When the words of Christ become operative, the blood which has redeemed the people is caused to be there.”
— St. Ambrose

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Daily Message from Pope Francis – Before Breaking Bread, Invite Jesus


“At least once a day we find ourselves eating together; perhaps in the evening with our family, after a day of work or study. It would be lovely, before breaking bread, to invite Jesus, the bread of Life, to ask Him simply to bless what we have done and what we have failed to do. Let us invite Him into our home; let us pray in a “homey” style. Jesus will be at the table with us and we will be fed by a greater love.” Pope Francis

Daily Message from Pope Francis – Those Who are Hungry do Not Ask for Refined and Expensive Food


“Those who are hungry do not ask for refined and expensive food, they ask for bread. Those who are unemployed do not ask for enormous wages, but the “bread” of employment. Jesus reveals himself as bread, that is, the essential, what is necessary for everyday life; without Him it does not work… In other words, without Him, rather than living, we get by: because He alone nourishes the soul; He alone forgives us from that evil that we cannot overcome on our own; He alone makes us feel loved even if everyone else disappoints us; He alone gives us the strength to love and, He alone gives us the strength to forgive in difficulties; He alone gives that peace to the heart that it is searching for; He alone gives eternal life when life here on earth ends. He is the essential bread of life.” Pope Francis

Daily Message from Pope Francis – It is Not Enough to Seek God


“The Gospel teaches us that it is not enough to seek God; we must also ask why we are seeking him. Indeed, Jesus says: “You seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves” (Jn 6,26). The people, in fact, had witnessed the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, but they had not grasped the meaning of that gesture: they stopped at the external miracle, they stopped at the material bread: there only, without going beyond, to the meaning of this.” Pope Francis