Minute Meditation – Finding Our Internal Power

The more we try to rely upon external threats, the less we are in touch with our own internal power. They tend to cancel one another out. Conversely, the more we are in touch with our own inner power, the less need we have for any external force, threat, or pressure. I would almost describe spirituality as a concern for our being, our inner motivation and attitude, our real inner Source, as opposed to any primary concern for our doing. Doing will always take care of itself when our being is right. It is our preoccupation with external forms and successes that makes us superficial, judgmental, split off, and often just downright wrong—without knowing it.

— from the book Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality by Richard Rohr, OFM

//Franciscan Media//

Daily Message from Pope Francis – The Tree of Life


“The cross cannot but express love, service, unreserved self-giving: only in this way is it truly the “tree of life”, of overabundant life… May the Virgin Mary help us to follow Jesus, to walk, strong and joyful, on the path of service, so that the love of Christ may shine in our every attitude and become more and more the style of our daily life.” Pope Francis

Daily Message from Pope Francis – January 30, 2021

“It is necessary to move beyond the complacent attitude that we “already know” certain things. Instead, we need to go and see them for ourselves, to spend time with people, to listen to their stories and to confront reality, which always in some way surprises us…“Come and see!”  This has always been the way that the Christian faith has been communicated, from the time of those first encounters on the banks of the River Jordan and on the Sea of Galilee.”
Pope Francis