The Jesus Question

Is Jesus Asking You A Question?

God doesn’t need to ask questions. He already has all the answers. So why does Jesus ask two questions in today’s reading?

Because he wants YOU to have an answer.

Today’s question is unavoidable. You can try to ignore it, or dodge it, or dismiss it, but in the end, everybody has to answer it.

Because how we answer this one question changes everything in our lives.

//Dynamic Catholic//

Minute Meditation – Answer Found in Walking

I am a walker. Indeed, walking is one of my favorite pastimes. I rejoice in sunrise while striding on the beach near my home or through urban landscapes when I’m traveling on business. I delight in an afternoon saunter with my wife, Kate, and our goldendoodle, taking in the beauty of

Cape Cod as my dog gallops across the beach. Knowing my love for walking, a dear friend once gave me a glass paperweight, inscribed with Augustine’s words: solvitur ambulando, “it will be solved in the walking.” Movement awakens novel visions and stimulates creative thinking. It’s difficult to hold onto old ideas when you’re on the move. Walking becomes the place of possibility, intimacy, and service. God is our companion as we venture toward new horizons.

—from the book Walking with Francis of Assisi: From Privilege to Activism
by Bruce Epperly