The Bible in a Year – Day 269 – The Day of Small Things

Fr. Mike encourages us not to be discouraged about the small things happening in our lives, because just as we see through Zechariah’s visions, God takes small things and turns them into great triumphs. He also touches on the dedication of Israel to rebuild the temple, and the connection between the crowing of Joshua and the crowning of Christ the King. Today’s readings are Ezra 5-6, Zechariah 4-6, and Proverbs 20:8-11.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 271 – Israel’s Foreign Wives

Fr. Mike discusses God’s instruction to the people of Israel not to marry women from foreign lands. He explains why God would provide this instruction and how Ezra reacted when he discovered that many prominent Israelites had not obeyed it. He also identifies the prophecies of Palm Sunday and the thirty pieces of silver found in Zechariah. Today’s readings are Ezra 9-10, Zechariah 9-11, and Proverbs 20:16-19.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 272 – The Call of Nehemiah

Fr. Mike introduces the book of Nehemiah and takes us through Nehemiah’s exemplary response to the call of God as he does what God asks simply because he asks. He also encourages us to pray for our enemies and explains the need to refrain from vengeance in our interactions with others, especially when we are provoked by their actions. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 1-2, Zechariah 12-13, and Proverbs 20:20-22.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 273 – The Lord’s Work

Fr. Mike continues discussing the call of Nehemiah and how we should approach the work the Lord calls us to do. He explains why all work is divine participation in God’s Kingdom on earth and encourages us to remember our service to God and to others, keeping our focus on serving and loving in the realm of our influence. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 3, Zechariah 14, and Proverbs 20:23-26.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 274 – Perseverance in Opposition

Fr. Mike continues to describe Nehemiah’s process of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and encountering a variety of challenges in his calling. He explains that in doing God’s work, we will often face internal or external opposition which we must meet with prayer and perseverance, trusting God entirely. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 4-5, Esther 11-12, and Proverbs 20:27-30.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 275 – Esther Becomes Queen

Fr. Mike continues reading from the book of Nehemiah as we read of the many attempts to prevent Nehemiah from doing the great work of God. We also see the events that lead to Esther being chosen as queen and the goodness she will bring even in the midst of a broken system. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 6-7, Esther 1-2, and Proverbs 21:1-4.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 276 – Haman’s Plan

FAs Fr. Mike reads from Nehemiah today, we hear about how the hearts of the people of Israel were moved as Ezra reads the book of the law of Moses to them. In our reading of Esther, we have the beginning of the crisis that will unfold throughout the book as Haman, backed by the king, seeks to destroy the Jews. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 8, Esther 3 and 13, and Proverbs 21:5-8.

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