60 Second Wisdom: It’s Time to Dream. What’s Yours?

“One of your most amazing abilities is your ability to dream. You can stand here, look into the future, imagine something bigger or better, and then chase it down and make it happen. That’s an amazing ability.

So, here’s my question for you today: What are your dreams?

The question takes most people off guard, because at some point most of us stopped dreaming. We get into survival mode, get absorbed with the daily realities of life, put other people’s dreams ahead of our own, and wake up one day and wonder what happened.

Today is that day. Time to wake up. Your dreams are your dreams for a reason. Time to dream again. Grab a piece of paper and make a list of ten things you would love to do. Don’t judge your dreams, just write them down. Then pick one – big or small – and get after it.

The future can be better than the past, and you can do something today to bring that about. So, whatever your dream is, get after it!”

60 Second Wisdom: Change Your Life in One Minute

My five-year-old Ralph came into my study the other night, to say goodnight, I gave him a huge hug and a kiss, he’s just delicious. And I said to him, I love you for two forevers.

“No daddy,” he replied.

I said, “What do you mean?”

He said, “There is only one forever.

I said “Really?”

He said, “Yes, this life is not forever, we are only passing through this life, the only forever is in heaven.”

Alright, so let’s take a beat and sit with that for a minute, this is coming from a five-year-old.

[Ralph] “This life is not forever.”

[MK] “It isn’t?”

[Ralph] “No. We are just passing through this world.”

Powerful! Take one minute every day for the rest of your life to think about the fact that you’re just passing through this life and soon you will be dead, and I guarantee you, you will live more passionately, more purposefully, more intentionally every day for the rest of your life.”

60 Second Wisdom: 13 Simple Pleasures to Change Your Life Forever!

“The world is full of wonders and it’s amazing how seldom we take time to appreciate and enjoy them. When we don’t appreciate the wonders around us, it’s a sure sign that we are neglecting the wonders within.

Here are 13 simple pleasures that will supercharge your relationships and recharge your batteries:

1. Sit on a park bench.
2. Wake before dawn and watch the sunrise.
3. Drive with the windows down.
4. Sit down and really enjoy your coffee.
5. Take a long hot bath.
6. Hot chocolate.
7. Watch your favorite movie.
8. Turn your phone off for a day.
9. Write a letter (not an email, an actual letter, stamp and all!).
10. Go hiking.
11. Look through your photos.
12. Take a nap.
13. Curl up on the couch with a great book.

It always comes down to the simple things. It is the ordinary things we ignore that have the capacity to make our lives extraordinarily fulfilling and beautiful.”

60 Second Wisdom: What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

“Everything in life requires courage. Whether it is playing football or coaching football; crossing the room to ask a woman on a date or rekindling a love that has grown cold; whether it’s your first day at school or your first day back at school after twenty years; starting a new business, battling a potentially fatal disease, getting married, struggling to overcome an addiction, or sitting humbly with your God in prayer—life requires courage. It’s a prerequisite. Courage brings us to life and makes everything else possible.

So, what are we waiting for? You only get one shot at life. What would you do if you weren’t so afraid? Whatever it is, take one small step toward it today, then take another step toward your hopes and dreams tomorrow.

Life favors the courageous. So, summon a little courage. You will be amazed what life will give you in return for a little bit of courage.

In Part Two of this series we will discuss fear and how it paralyzes us.”

60 Second Wisdom: The True Test of Friendship

How do you measure your life? It’s good to weigh our lives from time to time. It ensures we are not wasting our one short life. But there are so many ways to measure a life: success, family and relationships, career, money, status, stuff, education, popularity, integrity, happiness, adventure, health.

What measuring stick do you use to assess your life? Here’s a perspective I had never considered.

A Polish Holocaust survivor once told Warren Buffet, ‘’Warren, I’m very slow to make friends, because when I look at people, the question I ask is: Would they hide me?’’

There is no perfect way to measure our lives. But these two questions are worth considering:

If you were in trouble, being hunted unjustly, how many people do you know who would risk their lives to hide you? And the second question, how many people would you be willing to hide?

60 Second Wisdom: How to Live a Meaningful Life

You cannot live a meaningful life by filling your life with meaningless things and activities.

The secret to living a meaningful life is to strip away everything that is meaningless. Strip away anything that is trivial or unnecessary and everything left will be meaningful.

If living a meaningful life depends on filling our lives with meaningful activity, ask yourself: Who are the people, things, and activities that help you weed out the meaningless from the meaningful.

Who helps you prioritize what matters most and gives you the courage to say no to what matters least?

We say we want to live more meaningful lives, but we keep saying yes to meaningless things. Start saying no to meaningless things.

Fill your life with meaningful relationships, experiences, work, and things… and your life will become more meaningful.

It has no choice.