The Bible in a Year – Day 329 – The Ethiopian Eunuch

Fr. Mike focuses on the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch and how it demonstrates the importance of having guidance when reading Scripture. Although God’s Word is infallible, we can easily misunderstand it without proper interpretation, which is why we have the Magisterium of the Church. Lastly, Fr. Mike also touches on the role of persecution in the life of the Church, and St. Paul’s encouragement to abide by the law of love. Today we read Acts 8, Romans 13-14, and Proverbs 27:15-17.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 330 – Saul’s Conversion

Fr. Mike breaks down Saul’s miraculous conversion, explaining the significance of Jesus sending Ananias to heal Saul, and how it reveals that Jesus works through his Church just as powerfully as he worked through the incarnation. Fr. Mike also reminds us that if we belong to the Lord, we will have to participate in his suffering. Lastly, as we conclude St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, Fr. Mike leaves us with the exhortation that the Gospel advances primarily through family and friendship. Today’s readings are Acts 9, Romans 15-16, and Proverbs 27:18-20.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 331 – Peter Preaches to the Gentiles

In today’s reading from Acts, the Holy Spirit guides Peter to initiate ministry to the Gentiles, beginning with the family of Cornelius, a Roman centurion. Upon hearing Peter preach, Cornelius’ entire household receive the Holy Spirit and are baptized. Commenting on today’s second reading from 1 Corinthians, Fr. Mike reminds us to pursue Christian unity and avoid the dissension and infighting we see in the Church of Corinth. Today’s readings are Acts 10, 1 Corinthians 1-2, Proverbs 27:21-22.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 332 – Barnabas and Paul’s Mission

Fr. Mike begins by explaining the confusion experienced by the early Christians as they struggled to integrate the Gentiles into the Church. We also hear more about Barnabas, missionary companion of St. Paul, who was named by God as the “Son of Encouragement.” Lastly, Fr. Mike delves into the history surrounding paganism and hedonism in pre-Christian Corinth and the need to encourage the Greeks to leave their old ways of worship. Today’s readings are Acts 11, 1 Corinthians 3-4, Proverbs 27:23-27.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 333 – Peter Is Rescued from Prison

Today begins with Acts 12 and the miraculous rescue of Peter from prison by an angel. Reflecting on this story, Fr. Mike helps us grapple with the mysterious reality that we are each called to say “Yes” to God’s destination for us, even when we might not know the way. Lastly, Fr. Mike delves into St. Paul’s hard teachings to the Corinthians on sexuality morality and excommunication. Today’s readings are Acts 12, 1 Corinthians 5-6, and Proverbs 28:1-3.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 335 – Run the Race

As we continue to follow the missions of Paul and Barnabas, Fr. Mike highlights the fickle nature of humanity and the futility of striving for the praise of men. He also encourages us to remain courageous in the tribulations we face, finding strength in other believers, and running toward the eternal and imperishable goal of salvation. Today’s readings are Acts 14, 1 Corinthians 9-10, and Proverbs 28:7-9.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 336 – The Council at Jerusalem

Fr. Mike walks us through the Church’s first council in Acts 15 and highlights the importance of the Church’s authority in the question of circumcision for Gentile converts. He also draws our attention to Paul’s treatment of God the Father and God the Son as equal but not the same. This sheds light on Paul’s conversation about head coverings for women in our reading from 1 Corinthians and reassures female believers about their roles in marriage and the Church. Today’s readings are Acts 15, 1 Corinthians 11-12, Proverbs 28:10-12.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 337 – The Importance of Love

Fr. Mike unpacks the events in Acts 16, describing Paul’s trust in the Lord as God frees him from prison. He connects St. Paul’s conversation about spiritual gifts to the well-known “love” chapter in 1 Corinthians, explaining how love and donation of self gives purpose to the spiritual gifts. Today’s readings are Acts 16, 1 Corinthians 13-14, and Proverbs 28:13-15.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 338 – Death Defeated

As we continue along the path of our forefathers in faith, Fr. Mike reminds us that we live in the same era as the Apostles and have the same Holy Spirit. Just like St. Paul stood out by imitating Jesus and sharing the Gospel, we are called to do the same. Fr. Mike also discusses our duality as both body and soul as it relates to Christ’s resurrection. Today’s readings are Acts 17, 1 Corinthians 15, and Proverbs 28:16-18.

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