Meditation of the Day – The Idea of Peace

“And so the idea of peace came down to do the work of peace: The Word was made flesh and even now dwells among us. It is by faith that he dwells in our hearts, in our memory, our intellect and penetrates even into our imagination. What concept could man have of God if he did not first fashion an image of him in his heart? By nature incomprehensible and inaccessible, he was invisible and unthinkable, but now he wished to be understood, to be seen and thought of. But how, you ask, was this done? He lay in a manger and rested on a virgin’s breast, preached on a mountain, and spent the night in prayer. He hung on a cross, grew pale in death, and roamed free among the dead and ruled over those in hell. He rose again on the third day, and showed the apostles the wounds of the nails, the signs of victory; and finally in their presence he ascended to the sanctuary of heaven. How can we not contemplate this story in truth, piety and holiness?”— St. Bernard, p. 186

Minute Meditation – Love Overflowing

While we are quite familiar with being disappointed by the worst we see in the world, we cannot deny the extraordinary heroism of which humanity is also capable. All around us, ordinary people are performing acts of sacrifice, giving up their own lives so that others may live. It is nearly impossible to look into the world and not see love overflowing at every turn. Science cannot explain it; logic doesn’t understand it. And yet, love emanates more powerfully than any substance we can measure. Truth transcends any instrument or equation. In moments of pessimism, when we find ourselves impatient with the world, do not grow hopeless, but trust in the unexplainable love lived by so many. Trust the goodness you see. Be still, and know that God is the source of all that is Good, Beautiful, and True, and that all love exists because God wills it.

—from the book Let Go: Seven Stumbling Blocks to Christian Discipleship
by Casey Cole, OFM

//Franciscan Media//

Sermon Notes – The Truth Will Set You Free

“The Truth Will Set You Free”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

November 24-25, 2018

Scripture: John 18:33B-37

33 So Pilate went back into the praetorium and summoned Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?”34 Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?”35 Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?”36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants [would] be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”37 So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

I have been a priest for 35 years, and I’ve seen a lot. During that time, I have been forced to sit through lots of mandatory meetings……time I’ll never get back, but they have surely shortened my time in purgatory. Many of these meetings have been about creating new programs to bring converts to the Church.

I have a novel means of evangelizing….I tell people the whole truth. Christ said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). Truth is a “Who” not a “what.” All truth is found in Jesus Christ. He is the truth that frees us from our slavery to sin. G. K. Chesterton was a convert to the Catholic faith. When asked why he converted, he said because Catholicism is true. He also said that he didn’t want his sins explained away….he wanted them forgiven.

There is nothing wrong with what we believe; the problems arise in how we live it. Catholicism is the beacon of truth. So, share the whole truth about our faith with others and, as St. Francis of Assisi said, use words if necessary. Just be prepared to hear lots of “yeah buts.”

It is important for priests to study philosophy before entering the seminary, because it helps them approach issues thoughtfully. In philosophy, truth is a central subject. Nobody can have their own truth. The truth is absolute and is true no matter which religion is practiced. We all worship the same God, so abortion is a mortal sin for everyone…not just Catholics. In John 8:31-32, Christ said “If you continue in my word you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” The whole truth sets us free…not versions of it. When you change the truth, you are trying to change Jesus Christ Himself.

Jesus taught the Apostles for two hours, and their hearts were aflame, because when they heard the truth, they recognized it. Pilot looked at truth in the face, and did not.

The Advent season begins on December 2nd. Advent is a time to prepare for the arrival of Christ at Christmas through the sacrament of reconciliation and acts of penance. I go to confession to confessors I’ve known for 40 years. I have my failings too, but I take up my crosses and follow Him. I hope you will too.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you evangelize by sharing the whole truth about our faith with others? Will you prepare for Advent with acts of penance and reconciliation?

Sermon Notes – Speak the Truth

“Speak the Truth“

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

October 17 – 18, 2020

Scripture: Matthew 22: 15-21

You know what the primary job of a priest is? I don’t blame you if you don’t know, because a lot of priests don’t know what it is. I’m serious about that. We’ve been told so many different things over the past years beginning when I was in seminary. Over the 37 years that I have been ordained, it has changed back and forth and back again. The primary job of a priest is to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to administer the Sacraments, and to preach the Gospel. He is not there to run social programs. He is not there to hold committee meetings. No committee ever solved a problem; just look at the post office…no offense. They forget what the primary role of a priest is. You need this committee and that committee. I’m busy at the hospital visiting sick people. But, if I’m too busy with committee meetings, I could always send lay people. We are busy doing the wrong things. We’ve forgotten our primary mission which is to bring God’s love, the Sacraments, and the mercy of Christ to His people. We are to preach the gospel whether it’s convenient or inconvenient.

Priests are forbidden to engage in secular business. They are also forbidden to hold public office. We went through a period when there were priests in Congress. One guy didn’t want to leave, and the bishop made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, so he left. I don’t know if that bishop was Italian or not, but he should have been. You know how many Catholics we have in Congress? One is Vice-President, and one is Speaker of the House. How are those Catholic laws working? Do you know why laws were created? Laws were created because people failed to live moral lives. So, the state had to take over and enforce moral conduct. The state came in and said “You will not do this and you will not do that.” So, laws were passed. Now, in this age of post-Christianity, true Christianity, laws are being passed that destroy moral order. Abortion and same sex marriage are good now. They’ve changed morality.

We preach the Gospel, and we tell them the truth. Tell those who preach abortion who are Catholic. Don’t even think about taking Holy Communion – not in my church and over my dead body. This is the truth. “Well, Father, it’s just Catholic truth.” If you take Philosophy 101, on the first day of class you learn that there is only one truth by definition. There are no separate truths. If you do, you have a multiple personality disorder, and there is medicine for that. You are crackers. There is only one truth. Jesus is the truth and the way. There are about 60,000 denominations. That’s 60,000 different definitions of what is true. The only truth we have is Catholicism.

Laws don’t change people. Look at the bad things happening on the streets. Just this past week, the Sheriff’s Department and Albemarle Police Department responded to a shooting. “But, Father, there are laws against that. Why would people do it?” We need a change of people’s hearts. Laws don’t change the heart nor does punishment. Just look at the felon university over by the airport. Only the truth can change hearts.

This is what the Church is called to do. By virtue of our Baptismal promises, we are called to speak the truth in order to change hearts and to change lives. Where does the courage to tell people the truth come from? It comes from the power of Jesus in your heart. Some people will get mad, and that’s okay. We pray that they will have a conversion of the heart and lead changed lives.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you speak the truth so that hearts and lives can be changed?

The Bible in a Year – Day 357 – Truth and Love

Fr. Mike emphasizes that Christian love isn’t just about feelings—it’s about living in God’s truth by obeying his commandments. Fr. Mike also explains the context for St. Paul’s words to St. Timothy about asceticism and caring for widows, and he ends today’s reflection by encouraging us to keep fighting the good fight of faith. Today’s readings are 2 John, 3 John; 1 Timothy 4-6; Proverbs 30:29-33.

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