Daily Reflection – Giving Thanks Warms the Soul
Sermon Notes – Everlasting Joy
“For Everlasting Joy, Pray for More of the Who and not the What”
Father Peter Fitzgibbons
November 18 – 19, 2018
Leprosy, or Hansen’s disease, was a contagious and deadly disease, so the ten lepers in Luke 17: 11-19 each had a very heavy cross to bear. However, it was because of the leprosy, their crosses, that they encountered Jesus Christ. It was because of their faith in Him that they were healed and given the gift of life. It’s also why their story is still being taught today, 2,000 years later, so that we can learn from it. There’s another lesson we can learn from the lepers. Even though all ten were healed, just one came back to thank Jesus. Be sure to thank Him for your blessings!
Our crosses are His greatest gift to us, but we pray for them to be taken away instead of using them to help others. You cannot help, or even understand, combat veterans and others who have been to hell and back unless you’ve been there yourself.
Jesus did not ask the lepers if they were worthy, if they loved their dogs, or if they tithed at church. He gave them their lives back because of His great love for all of us. Christ says that greater gifts are in store for us. All of His gifts are just little hints of His love. Sometimes, He shows us greater love by not giving us what we want. You can be sure that when He says “No”, it’s for a bigger and better reason.
We pray too small….and it saddens our Lord. Often, we ask for things and not for a closer relationship with Him. Pray BIG. Pray for the “Who” and not more of the “what.” He wants to give us the gift of Himself…the greatest gift of all, and if you have Him, you have everything.
How will you apply this message to your life? Will you pray BIG by asking for a closer relationship with Him? Will you thank Him for your blessings as well as your crosses?
The Bible in a Year – Day 24 – Tears of Joy
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 24: Tears of Joy
Fr. Mike takes a look at the dramatic moment when Joseph makes himself known to his brothers and weeps out of joy. Today’s readings are Genesis 45-46, Job 37-38, and Proverbs 4:20-27.
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