Click on link: https://youtu.be/JUY-sj3xKG0?si=sZOd9sNvShWttn75
416 N 2nd St, Albemarle, NC, 28001 | (704) 982-2910
Beginning our look at the seventh commandment, the Catechism focuses on the universal destination of goods and the private ownership of goods. Fr. Mike helps us understand that at first glance, these concepts may seem contradictory, but upon closer inspection, they are paradoxical. Each concept is necessary, and they must be held “in tension”. We have the right to private property, and at the same time, we should have the mindset that we are stewards of our earthly possessions and talents with the intention of using them to benefit others. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2401-2406.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/pUa4qKtJ8wg?si=ep9UUSl8-jOMjUw9
The Catechism continues on with other offenses against the dignity of marriage and concludes our look at the sixth commandment. Polygamy, incest, sexual abuse, and free union are reviewed in detail. Fr. Mike highlights that these sins are grave, but God gives hope to all of us experiencing wounds or guilt. We have the opportunity to change in order to live in accordance with the Gospel. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2387-2400.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/LrA9fPyL0ug?si=pcDsRW_6uPSTrJ4L
The Catechism goes into detail about offenses against the dignity of marriage. The two topics we look at are adultery and divorce. These sins against marriage are not isolated between the spouses, but affect others including family, children, and society. With this, Fr. Mike reminds us that we live in a broken world, but God is among us, and he is a merciful Father with the ability to redeem. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2380-2386.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/Rew__pzmgQ8?si=7etqusY0quHFkYob
Children are a gift from God. Children have integrity and rights. With these key principles in mind, Fr. Mike reviews the Catechism’s teachings about marriage, family, child bearing, sterility, and adoption. Because “a child is not something owed to one but is a gift”, we must protect the dignity of the child at the forefront of all decisions. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2373-2379.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/nBtRnd7r5DI?si=dG3zKMbldbMqoB7t
Married love has an “innate language” of total and mutual self-giving. This language expresses itself in the marital act of sexual intimacy. Marital love mirrors God’s love. It is free, total, faithful, and fruitful. Fr. Mike explains that in the face of this reality, contraception and infidelity directly contradict the marital covenant between a man and a woman. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2364-2372.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/rRuYgrEYSYg?si=9ZZt2_gb6VyWBYKu
Fr. Mike guides us through the Catechism’s discussion of same-sex attraction. He highlights that all of the Church’s teachings on sexuality stem from her embrace of God’s intended and revealed purpose for sex. Fr. Mike stresses that this understanding of sexuality is core to our understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2357-2363.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/sR0rIe4CPoA?si=XVDuePjbG7fOxQyC
What is God’s intended purpose for our sexuality? We confront several significant transgressions that hinder this design. These offenses include lust, the consumption of pornography, and engagement in prostitution. Fr. Mike offers us a poignant reminder that despite these sins, our intrinsic human dignity remains unblemished and worthy of reverence. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2351-2356.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/v4ZYtTd3Tw0?si=NzadmEaNbKWGHfKr
What are the different types of chastity? We learn chastity is “a school of the gift of the person.” Mastering ourselves enables us to gift ourselves to another. Fr. Mike explains that chastity bears fruit in the form of true friendship. He explains that God calls everyone to this virtue, no matter his vocation. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2346-2350.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/5N6aWCK_NIA?si=iu8pBwSWZAH8Ftmj
We are all called to the virtue of chastity, which integrates our sexuality within the fullness of our person. Chastity trains us in freedom, teaching us how to direct and guide our desires. Fr. Mike explains that this virtue requires sustained effort and leads to self-mastery and peace. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2337-2345.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/NuZBc3M5pao?si=jOymCzczDTkcHlt8