Dancing for Joy

Do you think John the Baptist could bust a move on the dance floor? He started practicing in the womb!


All kidding aside, today we reflect on Mary greeting Elizabeth, the beauty of the Magnificat, and how, when we realize we are in the presence of God, we find what makes us dance for joy. Then, we can bring that joy to others.

Feel Like Something is Missing?

Do you ever get the sense that something is missing? And when you get that feeling that something is missing, do you think of that as a good thing or as a bad thing? Most people think of it as a problem they have to fix. They think, “Something’s wrong and I need to fix it.” It’s not true. Something is right. Something is very, very right. When you have that sense that something is missing, the best part of you, the core of your being is sending you a message.

Did Somebody Call a Doctor? God is Your Healer

What Part of Your Life Needs Healing?

A body riddled with cancer. A heart loaded with grief. A mind addicted to prescription medication. A soul attached to gambling. A heart restless, seeking purpose. A relationship torn apart.

Where do you need healing in your life?

Today, Allen reflects on something we all need: God’s healing power.

//Dynamic Catholic//

Gossip, Hypocrisy, and the Inner Life

Jesus’ Wisdom in Full Force

Now when the pharisees… 

When a Gospel reading starts like that, you know something big is coming.

Today, Matthew reflects on the insidious nature of gossip, learning to see ourselves in the Scriptures, and the power of the inner life. This reading is Jesus’ wisdom in full force. Are you ready?

IDEAS & INSPIRATION from the Desk of Matthew Kelley

Is your life unfolding the way you thought it would? Life doesn’t turn out the way we expect. In some ways it exceeds our expectations, and in other ways it disappoints them. But sooner or later, we have to decide how we are going to make the most of the unexpected life. Here are 10 sources of hope, encouragement and inspiration to help you flourish in the midst of your unexpected life!

1. The meaning of life in 60 seconds.

2. We all value loyalty. What’s beyond loyalty?

3. Need a fresh start?

4. For teachers as you head back to school… you will get overwhelmed at different times this year. It’s ok. It’s what you do next that matters.

5. 125 is my new favorite number. Find out why.

6. Show the child in your life that no matter how far they wander from God, he will always rejoice when they return…and remember it’s true for you too!

7. Only fools start from scratch. Whether you are a leader in business, faith, education or another field, a hunger for best practices is crucial to establishing a dynamic culture in your organization. Start here: Who is the best in the world at what you do and what can you learn from them? For more insights… Get the book!

8. It’s time to RECLAIM your ENTHUSIASM, your EMOTIONAL BOUNDARIES, your PRIORITIES and your HOPE… So you can make the shift from surviving to thriving!

9. Becoming a father transformed my life and perspective on faith. This book is the proof.

10. Wherever you are, whatever your feeling, however life has surprised and disappointed you, I want to remind you of one thing: the best is yet to come! Have you read LIFE IS MESSY yet? 

I leave you with the powerful words of G.K. Chesterton. “An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”

PS – If you missed the last edition, click here.
PPS – If you are wondering what I am doing on YOUTUBE, learn more here.

The Beauty of Faithfulness

What do you do when life gets difficult? When a relationship or a job gets rocky? Or when your spiritual belief is challenged? Giving up is always an option—and it’s usually the easiest one. Today, Allen reminds us of the other option on the table…