Who They Become

Who They Become

When you hold a child, you hold the future. When you teach a child, you shape who they will become. And when you give a child the gift of strong morals and deep faith… you are doing something so powerful it could change the whole world.

Today, Allen reflects on Jesus’ beautiful love for children, his call to honor the children in our lives, and the world-changing power we unlock when we help them become the best-version-of-themselves.

The Jesus Question

Is Jesus Asking You A Question?

God doesn’t need to ask questions. He already has all the answers. So why does Jesus ask two questions in today’s reading?

Because he wants YOU to have an answer.

Today’s question is unavoidable. You can try to ignore it, or dodge it, or dismiss it, but in the end, everybody has to answer it.

Because how we answer this one question changes everything in our lives.

//Dynamic Catholic//

Life is Stormy

Life comes with a 100% chance of storms. What’s the storm in your life right now? It may be a shower that will pass quickly or a category 5 hurricane that is leaving a wake of destruction in its path. How do you make it through to the other side? Today, Matthew explores the power of staying close to Jesus.

This week’s Gospel Reflection is on Mark 4:35-41.

The Prayer Process

In this session, I am going to teach you how to pray with the Prayer Process. It is a simple process you can use every single day to guide your conversation with God. It is designed to be very simple yet deeply personal.

The Prayer Process:

1. Gratitude

2. Awareness

3. Significant Moments

4. Peace

5. Freedom

6. Others

7. “Our Father”