Matthew Kelley – Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Take Control

4 Ways to Stop Sabotaging Yourself (How to) Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Take Control of Your Life – Matthew Kelly

“Resistance wears a thousand masks, many of which are so effective we don’t even recognize resistance is behind them. Laziness, procrastination, fear, doubt, instant gratification, self-loathing, indecision, escapism, pride, self-deception, friction, tension, and self-sabotage are just some of the ways resistance manifests its ugly self in our lives and causes us to settle for so much less than God has imagined for us. You cannot become the-best-version-of-yourself unless you wake up every morning ready to slay resistance. Resistance stands between you and happiness.

Here are 4 ways to break through resistance and stop sabotaging yourself:

1. Be mindful when you are stressed, anxious, or over-tired, and learn ways to manage these states.
2. Abolish “If only…” thinking from your mind and life.
3. Whatever you are feeling – name it and own it! You are not your feelings, but if you avoid them, they will destroy you.
4. Develop one grounding habit that you do every day and NEVER miss. Run, walk, meditate, read… find your thing and ingrain it deep into your daily routine.

And remember, don’t just be yourself, become the best version of yourself!”

60 Second Wisdom: 3 Questions That Put Everything Into Perspective

We all lose perspective on life from time to time. When that happens, it’s important to step back from who we are, where we are, and what we are doing, and take another look. Here are three questions to help you do that:

3 Questions that Put Everything in Perspective – Matthew Kelly

1. You get a call from an attorney tomorrow who tells you about a relative you never knew you had who has died and left you $100 billion dollars. If you knew you would never have to worry about money, what would you do with the rest of your life and what would you do with the money?

2. You go to the doctor tomorrow, she does some tests, comes back and says, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is you are going to feel perfectly healthy until the moment you die. The bad news is five years from today you are going to die.” If you knew you only had five years to live, what would do over the next five years?

3. Now question three sounds a lot like question number two, but it’s different. You go to the doctor tomorrow, he does some tests, comes back and says, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is you are going to feel perfectly healthy until the moment you die. The bad news is, you are going to die right now.” If you died right now, what would you never get to do that’s important to you?

Most people spend more time thinking about their annual vacation than they do thinking about their life. When was the last time you sat down and really thought about the life you want? It is too easy to let another week, month, year slip by without really thinking about it. It‘s too easy to just let life happen to us. You don’t have to settle for the life you stumbled into.”

60 Second Wisdom: 7 Ways Less is More

How to Simplify Your Life 7 Ways Less Is More – Matthew Kelly – 60 Second Wisdom

“Simplicity is good for the soul. We complain about how complicated life has become, but we continue to complicate our lives. The two main ways we complicate our lives is with things and commitments. So much of our anxiety comes from these things and yet we cling to them and multiply them as is they were prizes to be cherished.

Here are seven examples of how less is more:

1. Less television means more time to read.
2. Less comparison means more contentment.
3. Less stuff means more space.
4. Less talking means more listening.
5. Fewer commitments means more time just to be.
6. Less complaining means more gratitude.
7. Less clutter means more clarity.

Less is more means different things to different people. Find out what it means to you, try it, and take note of how it changes your life.”

Dynamic Catholic Presents: Why You Feel Lonely

Why You Feel Lonely How Your Greatest Fear is Affecting Your Relationships – Matthew Kelly – 60 Second Wisdom

“You may be afraid of flying, spiders, heights, and snakes, but there is one fear that dominates the human experience. We all have it. It’s our greatest fear. It sabotages relationships. It produces existential loneliness.

We’re afraid that if people really knew us, they wouldn’t love us. That’s our greatest fear.

The real tragedy is that by pretending to be the person we think other people want us to be, we destroy our chances at really being loved. Because when someone does come along to say, “I love you” there’s a little voice in our head that says, “No you don’t. You love the person you think I am.” This is how people end up desperately lonely in a relationship.

Hugh Prather observed, “Some people are going to like me and some won’t. So I might as well be myself, and then at least I’ll know that the people who like me, like me.””

Dynamic Catholic Presents – A Gospel Cliffhanger

The Script Isn’t Finished

Have you ever been really invested in a movie and then it leaves off with a sudden cliffhanger?

Turns out, the Gospels did it first. Today, the rich young man eagerly seeks Jesus’ advice, but when Jesus asks much of him, he just walks away sad.

Does the story really end there? Matthew doesn’t think so.

Because our no’s to God don’t have to be the final page in our own stories…

Dynamic Catholic – The 7 Laws of Money

Money Wisdom – Matthew Kelly

“There is wisdom to be gained in every area of life. Do you have more money wisdom today than you did a year ago?

Money plays a central role in our lives, yet we teach our young people so little about it, and most people never seriously apply themselves to learning about money. So, most people’s personal finances are a mess, and tragically, more than 35% of people who get divorced say they ended their marriage over disagreements about money.

Here are the seven laws of money:

1. Save part of everything you earn
2. Spend less than you earn
3. Invest wisely
4. Protect your assets from risk
5. Own your own home
6. Avoid unnecessary debt
7. Improve your ability to earn.

These laws have not changed in thousands of years. Commit yourself to them and they will lead you to financial health and allow you to be generous with those you love and those in need.”

Dynamic Catholic Presents – The Seven Levels of Intimacy

“The seven levels of intimacy is a model designed to provide insight into the ways we relate with different people. If your relationship with your friendly barista is confined to the first three levels of intimacy, that’s fine. But if your marriage is confined to the first three levels, you’ve got a problem.

The seven levels of intimacy are:
1. Cliches
2. Facts
3. Opinions
4. Hopes and Dreams
5. Feelings
6. Fears, Faults, and Failures, and
7. Legitimate Needs

Intimacy is the one thing a person cannot live happily without. We can live happily without new cars, designer clothes, dream homes, exotic vacations—but we cannot live happily without intimacy. You can survive without intimacy, but you cannot thrive without it.

Dynamic Catholic Presents – Running on Empty?

Do you ever feel like you are giving God your leftovers?


After a long day at work or school, fulfilling relationship duties, taking care of the kids, squeezing in time for yourself…there’s often not much left in the tank to give to God.

Today, Allen discusses how to give God our all—not just in the moments we have to spare, but in every moment of our lives!

Dynamic Catholic Presents – Seeing Like a Blind Man

What do you want me to do for you?

Jesus asks Bartimaeus that question today. Bartimaeus knows exactly what he needs—to have his eyes opened. And he knows exactly who can heal him—Jesus.


Today, Matthew reflects on how Jesus asks all of us the same question:

What do you want me to do for you? Do you know your answer?