We prepare for everything important in life. Join Ben in discovering how simple yet essential preparation is for a great Reconciliation experience.
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416 N 2nd St, Albemarle, NC, 28001 | (704) 982-2910
We prepare for everything important in life. Join Ben in discovering how simple yet essential preparation is for a great Reconciliation experience.
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We prepare for everything important in life. Join Ben in discovering how simple yet essential preparation is for a great Reconciliation experience.
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Just as Sarah and Fr. Tom tend the parish garden, God tends the garden of your heart with great love and joy, helping you become the-best-version-of-yourself.
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Life is full of great moments! Ben and Sarah share some great moments that happen every day, every year, and even some that only happen once in a lifetime.
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God is our shepherd, and we are happiest when we allow him to lead us. Join Ben in prayer to remind yourself that God loves you and is always with you.
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Ben and Sarah go looking for a lost Hemingway. Sometimes when we do something wrong, we are tempted to think that God won’t go looking for us, but is this true?
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The Our Father reminds us that we are God’s children. Dive into the biblical world with Ben and Sarah as Jesus teaches us how to pray this great prayer.
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Just as Sarah needed her coach to help her perform her best at a soccer match, we all need great coaching to become the-best-version-of-ourselves.
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Hemingway reminds us that we all need help from time to time. Especially from God. Discover the special help God gives you through the sacraments.
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God is always willing to give us a fresh start, and he asks us to do the same for others. But it can be difficult! Watch as Ben and Sarah seek forgiveness from one another.
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