Holy Moments – You Were Made for More

Holy Moments Quote of the Day:

“We crave more because we were made for more. We try to satisfy those cravings with trivial activity and meaningless things. But this foolishness just leaves us exhausted, dissatisfied, and hungrier than ever.”

Holy Moments – Is Something Missing?

Holy Moments Quote of the Day:

“When you sense that something is missing, that there must be more to life, or that you have so much more to offer, your intuition has never been so sharp. Claim these as sacred truths about yourself. Listen and follow where they lead.”

Holy Moments – “You Have So Much More to Offer”

Holy Moments Quote of the Day: “You have so much more to offer.

You sense it. You may have known it for a long time. It’s a truth that lingers, waiting patiently for us to pay attention to it. It’s a soul sense, and when your soul senses such a thing, it should never be ignored.”

The Rhythm of Life – 21 Questions that will Change Your Life – Question #2: Who Builds You Up? 

Question #2 is about how the people in your life are impacting your health and happiness. The people we surround ourselves with can have powerful positive effects on our life, they can also have diabolical negative effects. From time to time it’s critically important that we take an inventory of the impact people in our lives are having on us.

Question #2: Make a list of people you interact with frequently. How is each helping you become the-best-version-of-yourself (or not)… and vice-versa?

Are they raising you up or tearing you down? Do they bring light or darkness to your soul?

And what impact are you having on their lives. Are you raising them up or tearing them down? Do you bring light or darkness to their soul?”

The Rhythm of Life – 21 Questions that will Change Your Life – Question #1

“Welcome to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #1 is about feeling amazing. Not that life is all about feeling amazing, but our feelings are messengers and it is wise to listen to them. It’s possible to feel amazing physically, but it is also possible to feel amazing spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and creatively.

Question #1: When was the last time you felt really amazing and what would have to happen to get you back to that place?

How far back do you have to go to find the last time you felt amazing physically?

How far back do you have to go to find the last time you felt amazing emotionally?

How far back do you have to go to find the last time you felt amazing spiritually?

How far back do you have to go to find the last time you felt amazing intellectually?

How far back do you have to go to find the last time you felt amazing creatively?

You may never have felt amazing in some of these aspects. That’s okay, but let’s do something about it.

What would have to happen for you to feel amazing… physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and creatively. Not all at once, but one area of life at a time.”