What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

“Ideas shape our lives. Ideas shape history. We all have a need for a constant flow of ideas that inspire us, challenge us, illumine our minds, teach us about ourselves and our world, show us what is possible, and encourage us to become the-best-version-of- ourselves.

We need a diet of the mind just as much as we need a diet of the body. The ideas we feed our mind today tend to form our lives tomorrow.

Think of it in this way: We become the stories we listen to. It – doesn’t matter if we get those stories from movies, music, television, newspapers, magazines, politicians, friends, or books—the stories we listen to form our lives.

If you want to understand any period in history, simply ask two questions: “Who were the storytellers?” and “What story were they telling?”

If you want to know how a nation will be different tomorrow from the way it was yesterday, find out how the stories that nation is listening to are different from the stories of yesterday.

If you discover that the stories we are listening to have less meaning, contain more violence, and, rather than inspire us and raise our standards, appeal more and more to the lowest common denominator, you can be sure that in the future our lives will have less meaning, contain more violence, and be more focused on the lowest common denominator.

We become the stories we listen to. But perhaps the more important question is, what stories are you listening to at this time in your life? What stories are forming your life?”

The True Meaning of the Beatitudes

The Beatitudes might sound simple, but don’t be fooled–they contain some of the richest and most important instructions in the Gospel.

Simply put, they are the guidelines to being like Jesus.

Watch today’s video now to gain new insights into one of the most famous passages in the Bible…insights that will change everything!

3 Reasons to Be Spontaneous

“We live busy lives with packed schedules, and sometimes we can feel like slaves to the many, many things that demand our time and attention. That’s why from time to time, we all need a little spontaneity.

Here are 3 reasons spontaneity is good for you:

1. Spontaneity makes us more creative. And creativity isn’t just for artists and writers, it is for mothers and fathers, friends and lovers, employees and leaders.

2. Spontaneity is the antidote for stress. Lots of our stress comes from holding onto the same thing for too long. That thing might be a project, it might be a toxic thought, it might be a depleting routine. Spontaneity allows us to let go, and as we do our stress drains away.

3. Spontaneity teaches us to be flexible. Being overly rigid prevents us from being present to the moment, leads to unnecessary conflict in relationships, and leads us to value process over substance, thus missing out on what matters most. Spontaneity is proof that you are capable of being flexible.

Spontaneity is an amazing thing.

When was the last time you did something truly spontaneous? Has it been too long? Do something wonderfully spontaneous this weekend. Do it with someone you love, or do it on your own. But do it. It will refresh your soul.

Validate Yourself and BOOST Your Self-Esteem

“External validation comes from other people affirming your feelings, behaviors, and accomplishments. When a child says her first word or takes her first step, we clap and cheer, encouraging her. This external validation affirms the child and gives her courage and drive to take the next step.

At every stage in the development of a child, loving parents, teachers, coaches, and siblings, encourage children to explore their potential. This external validation takes many forms and is natural and normal, and over time should lead to a healthy sense of self.

One sign of a healthy sense of self is the ability to validate oneself. This is called internal validation.

If you feel angry over something that happened, it is unhealthy to repress, deny, avoid, or ignore that feeling. Your healthy self is able to say, “Feelings are messengers, I wonder what message this anger is sending.”

Internal validation also allows us to affirm our accomplishments, even and especially those that nobody else witnesses or will ever know about. Great champions affirm every little success, they validate their efforts to reach the next level. This internal validation is one sign of a very healthy sense of self.

The ability to internally validate ourselves is especially important in the face of the inevitable criticism we all encounter sooner or later in life. A healthy self is able to hear criticism, embrace what is true as fuel for improvement, and set aside what is not true.

One of the biggest problems in our culture today is that so many people are addicted to external validation and lack the healthy sense of self needed to internally validate. This is why so many people feel unworthy or worthless.

Liberate yourself from the need for external validation. Francis of Assisi understood this perfectly when he wrote, “I am who I am in the eyes of God. Nothing more, and nothing less.””

How to Be the Light of The World

“Someone else will take care of that.”

We all feel this way sometimes, but today’s reflection will inspire you to shine your light in the darkness. Watch now–Matthew shares some thought-provoking questions that will help you reflect on your life and challenge you to spread your goodness in the world!

Weathering the Storms of Life

A tree with strong roots can weather any storm. If you have not

done so already, the day to start growing those roots is today.

Gratitude, respect, and discipline are three powerful ways to

ground and nurture your relationships. But keep in mind also, that

trees sway in the wind. They are not rigid. Even the largest and

strongest trees sway when the wind blows. Allow for uncertainty;

you can be sure it will come. Find the lesson in the unexpected; it

has come to help you in your quest to become the – best – version – of –

yourself. Try to enjoy mystery; it will keep you young.

Matthew Kelly

From The Seven Levels of Intimacy

Signs That Anger is Controlling You

Has anger ever gotten you into trouble? Even Jesus had anger, but if you’re not careful, it will control you.

Dr. Allen Hunt outlines the warning signs of chronic anger, and offers clear hope to deal with this difficult emotion.

Watch now to find peace and freedom from anger!

The Rhythm of Life – Question 21 – How Do Your Best Days Begin?

“Welcome back to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #21 is about the difference between your best days, your average days, you’re not so good days, and the days you wish never happened. There is a secret to your best days. The secret is how they start. If a day doesn’t start great, it usually doesn’t get great along the way.

Question #21 is… How do your best days begin and what’s keeping you from beginning each day in that way? Write down a recipe for how your best days begin. It cannot be fantasy. You have to be in control of the factors you identify. Don’t write, “when there is no traffic” or “the sun is shining” or “I wake up dreaming about…” stick to things that your own disciplined effort can bring about.

Today’s question is… How do your best days begin and what’s keeping you from beginning each day in that way?”

The Rhythm of Life – Question 20 – What Do You Want to Do?

“Welcome back to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #20 is about how short life is and the realty of death. We live sometimes ignoring the reality of death. We live and pretend we are going to live forever. We live thinking we can think about dying later, but death creeps up on us all. Life is short and precious.

Question #20 is… If you knew you only had one year to live, what would you spend the next year doing? Dream a little. Plan a little. Pray a little. Talk to those you love a little. There is something this question should move you to prioritize over the next year.

Today’s question is… If you knew you only had one year to live, what would you spend the next year doing?”