How Guardian Angels Actually Work

Are angels real? Why did God make them? What do guardian angels do? Do I have one? Does it have a name? Can I name it?

All these questions and more answered today by Fr. Mike Schmitz.

4 Keys to Good Prayer

Does good prayer feel out of reach for you? Do distractions plague you unceasingly? Are you wondering if you’re supposed to be getting more out of prayer time?

Fr. Mike proposes a simple 4-part roadmap to better, more fulfilling prayer time. It’s not difficult—it just takes practice.

Saying Yes to a Life You Did Not Plan

Who is orchestrating your life? If it’s God—and not you—what will you say to him? Fr. Mike suggests trying “yes.”

Whether life circumstances bring the best out of you or the worst out of you, you need Jesus more than you think you do. And that is a very good thing. Here’s why.

Healing from the Wound of Sin

Our sins can leave a wound, even after we confess them. It can take time to move on from decisions and actions we made in our past. Fr. Mike helps us work through the pain of our sins and shows us how we can find true freedom and joy in our relationship with God.

Regret vs. Repentance

There is a difference between regret and repentance, and this video will explain what it is! It’s okay to regret the things we’ve done in the past that took us away from the path of God, but we can’t dwell in this regret.

Why is It So Hard to Forgive Yourself?

As Catholics, we believe in the forgiveness of our sins through the graces of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We know God forgives us. Why do we sometimes struggle to forgive ourselves for our past faults and failings? Sharing insight into the main reason why we struggle to let go of the past, Fr. Mike offers encouragement and support.

Do I Have to Forgive & Forget?

What does it mean to be “reconciled with God”? This video offers great insights into the process of forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration. Fr. Mike explains how God offers all 3 stages to us in the Sacrament of Confession.

What is General Absolution?

Have you heard of “general absolution”? Is it a way to skip the Confession line and get “bulk forgiveness”? Fr. Mike dispels the confusion around general absolution and redirects us to the true source of reconciliation that Christ has given his Church.