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Sermon Notes – May 19, 2024 – “The Language of Love”
“The Language of Love”
Father Peter Fitzgibbons
May 18 – 19, 2024
Gospel: John 20:19-23
Last week we celebrated the Ascension of our Lord and 10 days after that we have Pentecost. At the Ascension, Jesus took the body and human nature He received from the Blessed Mother to Heaven. The human nature He suffered with, taught, healed, died, and rose with was taken up to Heaven. So, He needed a new body because the one He took from Mary was in Heaven. He uses the human nature we received at our Baptism to teach, to heal, and to console down through the ages to make His love known to all the world. Whatever your vocation, He uses your human nature as a part of His new Body. Sometimes people call the Church an “it.” No. The Church is a “Who.” Scripture says that. In the book of Acts, when Saul was persecuting Christians, Jesus asked him, “Why are you persecuting me?” He did not say, “Why are you persecuting an organization, club, community gathering, or Christian group.” He said, “Why are you persecuting Me?” It is His Body that people persecute.
Now, we are our Lord’s human nature. We are His arms and legs depending on what part of the mystical body we occupy because of our vocations and the Sacraments. Throughout the ages, He has used our human nature to bring His love to everyone. He takes our human natures and uses them as His own to proclaim His message, to teach, and to heal. We are the Body of Christ in Stanly County. People heard the Apostles speaking in every tongue. Now, if you come to the 12:15 Spanish Mass, you can listen to me speak in every tongue. It’s very charismatic. You will hear me speaking Spanglish with a French accent. I can order in a Mexican restaurant and the people I’m with are usually very impressed, “Oh wow! You speak Spanish.” But the wait staff just shake their heads. I’m not great with languages. I barely made it through Canon Law because you needed to know Latin. Latin was pretty easy for me since I always had a dictionary.
At Pentecost, our Lord sends the Holy Spirit Who gives the gift of tongue to proclaim His love. How do we proclaim His love? Do we have to learn every language on the planet? What is the universal language? How do we reach all these people? That’s easy. God gives us the ability to do that. “Oh wow. You speak in other tongues?” Yes, and no. That’s part of the lawyer in me. I speak, or try to speak, one language. “What’s that?” I’ll give you an example. When I was the pastor in Statesville, I received a call from a Hospice nurse who said, “Father, so and so has died. Would you go speak to the family?” I said, “Sure!” I went, and I got there before the Hospice nurse and funeral director. So, I talked to the family and said a prayer over the body. When the funeral director and the nurse arrived, I helped them take the body to the car. Then the nurse and I stripped the room and put everything back in its place. The one thing you don’t want is for the family to come into the room and see the bed linens where their loved one had been. So, we stripped the room and put it back to how it was originally before their loved one got sick. The nurse took some of the medication and flushed them. However, some of the drugs were unopened and OTC (over the counter). Technically, the nurse was supposed to take them back to Hospice, but she said, “Father, do you know anybody who could use them?” She wasn’t supposed to do that. I told some priests that story and they said, “Well, we’d never do that!” Yeah, I know. Chumps. But because I helped that nurse, I got to help other people with the medicine. That’s the universal language and how you reach people by acts of love. When I helped that nurse, it was spontaneous and not a part of my job, but I did it because it had to be done. Show that love. It can be understood in any language. Here’s another example: Years ago, I was going through the hospice unit making my rounds. Two paramedics came in with a stretcher and a new patient. The nurses were busy as they always are. One of the paramedics said, “Where do you want him?” Not “Hello” but “Where do you want him?” I said, “Room 3.” I went with them, and one took the side sheet, another one had the head, and I had the legs. 1 – 2 – 3, and we got the patient onto his bed. And because I did not have gloves on and had touched the patient’s skin, I went to the sink and washed my hands. One of the paramedics approached me and said, “Thank you, Father.” When we do what is right, other people see it. You don’t do it because you will be noticed or thanked; you do it because it shows God’s love.
The third and last point I’ll make is that the Holy Spirit comes to unite all human natures into one body. Not different bodies but one body to reverse what sin has done. What does sin do? Sin divides. Remember the Tower of Babel? They all spoke different languages and could not communicate with one another. It separated humanity. The Holy Spirit calls us to unite in one faith. In the military, Protestant chaplains were in awe of Catholic chaplains because they looked at our congregation which was similar to what I see here, and they saw people from almost every continent in the world. There were some whose English was not that good. It worked out great for me because there were these Korean ladies who would make vegetable Yaki Mandu. Oh yeah! It was killer. I didn’t realize it was fried, but it was wonderful. When I was sent to Gitmo for my Spanish lessons – it didn’t work out well, but I went – and other chaplains were amazed at how much the people there loved me. First, they didn’t know me; give them credit for that. But they loved me because I was their priest. “Do they understand what you are saying?” Some did because they were very educated. The chairman of my “parish council” was a brain surgeon who trained in Russia. I asked our doctors if the Cuban doctors were any good and if I should let them touch me. “Oh, they are very good. They trained in Russia.”
We are all one. In the last 30 – 40 years, there has been a tendency to separate the Church to make it more relevant and meaningful. You cannot make Christ more meaningful, okay? You cannot make the Mass more meaningful; that’s blasphemy. We have a bad habit of hyphenating people. “I am Spanish-Catholic.” “I am Irish-Catholic.” Really. Did you come from the Old Sod (Ireland)? “No.“ Do you like ‘Danny Boy’? “Oh yeah.” Well, first of all, you haven’t been in church for 50 years so shut up. And second, I hate that song!! People wanted to play it at funerals and the bishop said, “No!” We are not of different faiths only country of origin. There is no different faith for Vietnamese-Catholics. They are Catholic. “I am Canadian-Catholic.” It’s colder there; I’ll give you that, but you are still Catholic. Are we Albemarlian-Catholics? Are we Stanly County-Catholics? Are we Oakboro-Catholics? No! We are all Catholic. They seek to break up the Faith. We have to have a different Mass for each language. That’s why Latin was good because it united everybody which is why we should go back to it. We are all one faith; there is no such thing as hyphenated-Catholics. That’s a sin and it’s blasphemy. The Holy Spirit came to do the exact opposite . . . to unite us all. It’s like soldiers – there are no hyphenated soldiers – we are all soldiers. I remember one chaplain who got up and said, “We need more black chaplains.” I said, “Excuse me. When did the Army go color-coded with chaplains?” He couldn’t answer. He was a colonel but not my colonel so I couldn’t have cared less. Little bigot.
We are not color-coded or area-coded. We are all Catholic by the grace of the Holy Spirit Who unifies the Church and by that unification, Christ continues His teaching and ministry. We have one Faith, one Church, and one Lord. To say otherwise is denying the gift of the Holy Spirit. What evidence do we have of the Holy Spirit? By babbling, “I have the gift of the Spirit”? No. The fruits of the Spirit are works of love.
How will you apply this message to your life? _______________________________________
You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to AnnunciationCatholicAlbemarle.com, clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” and then “Sermon Notes.” On a cell phone: click on “Blog” and then “Menu.” Scroll to the bottom and click on “Categories.” Sermon Notes are also available on the Church’s Facebook page at OLA.Catholic.Church. Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.”
Sermon Notes – May 5, 2024 – “We Have the Tools to Become Saints”
“We Have the Tools to Become Saints”
Father Peter Fitzgibbons
May 4 – 5, 2024
Gospel: John 15:9-17
In your prayer life, I encourage you to thank God for keeping you safe. Also, ask your Guardian Angel to cover you with his or her wings so that you may have a safe night free of temptation and illness and can sleep soundly. Do the same when you get up in the morning. Ask your Guardian Angel to protect you with their wings as you go through your day to protect you from the dangers of satan, both temporal and spiritual. Also, remember to say “thank you” at night and in the morning for their watchfulness over you.
This past week we had the feast of Saint Catherine of Sienna. She did a lot for the Church in her short life. She was only 33 when she died, medicine being what it was five centuries ago. In her short 33 years, she lived an extraordinary life. I used to love reading about the lives of saints, which is why I never read fiction . . . it was boring. The amazing thing about Saint Catherine is that she had no initials before or after her name like Most Reverend Bishop, STD (Doctor of Sacred Theology and not a disease), DD (Doctor of Divinity), or JCD (Doctor of Canon Law). Whoopee! That does not impress me. I have initials after my name, and I also have a nice title – Very Reverend – which went south when the bishop retired. Does that make me a brighter person? Not necessarily. All it proves is that I can pass tests.
However, knowing how to take tests doesn’t mean you are holy. Look at Saint Therese of Lisieux. She didn’t graduate from college, nor did she take the Lay Ministry Program offered by our diocese. But a century later, the Church made her a Doctor of the Church for her holiness. Saints Therese and Catherine, like so many other saints, reached out and grasped the means to lead a holy life and change the world or their piece of it. They cooperated with God’s grace each in their own vocation. Their ability to become holy was the same as ours is today through the Sacraments offered by Holy Mother Church. They had the same means to become holy as we do. We all have different abilities and vocations. Bob will not allow me to handle power tools. He made that decision so that I wouldn’t hurt myself. The staff will not allow me to work on phones and on computers. Also, I know better than to try to work in the kitchen. That’s not going to happen in my lifetime either. We all have talents and abilities in every different sphere. However, we share one common ability, no matter our education, which is holiness. You are here so that you can take advantage of it and convert the world as the saints did. I am at least twice the age of Saint Catherine of Sienne when she passed, and I am almost three times the age of Saint Therese de Lisieux when she passed. Holiness is not a comparative thing, but when I think back on my life, I don’t know if I have done anything that compares to them. I may have some explaining to do in a little while. So, in my meditation, I reflect on how to aspire to greater acts of holiness and penance so that I may become like them.
The ability to be holy does not atrophy. If we get hurt and are laid up in bed for a while, we get to take physical therapy. That’s a lot of fun! I was at the hospital and these pretty young ladies came in. They seemed so sweet, but the next thing I heard from the patient’s room was “OOOOOOH!” I have a massage therapist who helps me with my bad back. When the pain gets to be too much, I let out an “AAAAAH,” and she’ll say, “I’m helping you, Father.” I feel it! I really do! Our muscles atrophy when we don’t use them, but the ability to be holy does not. The ability to be holy is always there to be reawakened, enlivened, and fulfilled. The ability to be transformed and to transform the world around us is always there. We never lose it. We just have to cooperate with the means to be holy that God gave us. Holiness is not given to us because we are nice people. I would like to think I’m the greatest guy I know, and I usually do. But holiness and my talents have not been given to me because I’m me. They’ve been given to me to use for you. So however close I get to Almighty God, that closeness is not a reward for being who or what I am. It is a gift for you to help build up the Body of Christ. We have the same ability to be holy just as the great saints did. We don’t need initials before or after our names. We don’t have to participate in any special programs or ministries. I think about the parish I grew up in. It was crammed with WWII veterans. Think about what those men and women did. It was a small French-speaking parish, but they built a church, a school, and a convent. They also produced five priests from my generation. Two of those priests have passed. I remember those men and women very well because it was a small parish. None of them held spiritual degrees, but they had Christ in their hearts.
Some of us were early bloomers like Saint Catherine, and some of us were late bloomers. We won’t know what we have and have not accomplished until we are standing before the Throne of God. The same gifts that were made available to the saints when they cooperated with God’s grace are available to us. They show the amazing transformation that can happen when we cooperate with God’s grace. You can find a saint who was in any condition you may have but who was transformed. The Church investigates potential saints quite vigorously. They comb through everything written or said by candidates that could be made suspect. It’s like a spiritual colonoscopy. So, when people are raised at what is called the Dignity of the Altar and declared a saint, you know their lives have been investigated thoroughly. The same grace Saint Catherine or any of the saints had is available to us anytime. God can, does, has, and will give us that same transforming power to change our piece of the world by bringing God’s love, grace, and peace to those who need it.
Father’s Reflections . . .
I’ve been thinking about the four law enforcement officers who were killed in Charlotte two weeks ago. Despite everyone having fresh plumbing, computers, and cell phones, there’s a lot of evil in the world, so it’s not a lack of stuff that makes people bad. They’re sick. Those four brave men won their eternal salvation. Please keep their families in your prayers.
How will you apply this message to your life? _______________________________________
You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to AnnunciationCatholicAlbemarle.com, clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” and then “Sermon Notes.” On a cell phone: click on “Blog” and then “Menu.” Scroll to the bottom and click on “Categories.” Sermon Notes are also available on the Church’s Facebook page at OLA.Catholic.Church. Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.”
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//YouTube – The Blessed One – 5/8/2024//