//The Blessed One – YouTube – 7/1/2024//
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Growth in spirituality does not consist of ecstasy after ecstasy. That’s reserved for Heaven. It’s about taking up our cross every day and doing what He tells us to do. Some of our crosses may change depending upon the time of life and our situation. We may have other crosses added, and we may, out of love, take the crosses of others onto ourselves. A good friend of mine was a Special Ed teacher. She was coming down with the flu and even though she felt bad, she needed to be in class. So that night I prayed, “Lord, give me her flu so she can teach her class.” After all, I was in the 101st Airborne Division, and I was a tough guy . . . until the next afternoon when I went downhill. I was so sick. She was fine, but I was really sick for a couple of days. Don’t be too eager about taking another person’s cross because what happened to me could happen to you. I thought I was a tough guy. Nope. The Lord rewarded me for my love but punished me for my pride.
Do not be disheartened. It’s a temptation by the evil one to make you think you are not doing well because if you were progressing, you would be much happier, and things would work out a lot better. That’s not true. In some of the so-called spiritual programs, they say, “If you do this and this, you will feel much better.” No. That’s spiritual blackmail of our good Lord, and He really doesn’t like that. Saint Teresa of Avila said, “If this is the way you treat all your friends, Lord, it’s no wonder You have so few.” And that’s true. But our crosses are there so that we are not puffed up by our pride. “I raised myself to Heaven by my own bootstraps.” “I’ve done this, and I’ve done that.” Think of your crosses as a way to grace instead of something you have to put up with.
Some days, and there’s no way around it, bearing our crosses is a royal pain. I have complained about my crosses to the point of ad nauseam. But my crosses are there to keep me small, to keep me safe, and to keep me reliant on God’s mercy and God’s grace. The daily bearing of my crosses, as well as cleaning up the messes I create because of them, shows God’s grace to others. It’s not always pleasant, but so long as we don’t give up, we are making spiritual progress toward salvation.
I’ve been saying the Divine Office, a daily prayer priests have to say, for over 40 years. Do I always enjoy it? No. Does my mind always stay centered on it? No. Look! Squirrel. But I’m still doing it. Despite our failed human nature, we keep coming back and doing the right thing. We take up our crosses and follow Jesus. As long as we do that every day and remain faithful to the Sacraments through which we are healed and strengthened, we are making great spiritual progress. Don’t listen to anyone or anything else.
How will you apply this message to your life? ________________________________________
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Navigating healthy relationships can be so difficult.
Developing good relationships—whether friendships or romantic ones—and deepening them in a fragile world can be challenging. We can be tempted to leave a relationship or dissolve a friendship when things become difficult or when we’re hurt by the other person. It can be challenging to work on deepening these relationships when others have said hurtful or difficult things—but that doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel.
Today, Fr. Mark-Mary challenges us to go beyond surface-level friendships and work on deepening our relationships—even though they can be fragile and hard to maintain.
Rebellion, Resentment, or Rejoicing
We are called to surrender to God’s will. But how do we surrender? Is it a matter of feeling or is it a matter of something else? Surrender is an active, dynamic thing. And it is the opposite of rebellion and resentment.
Momma always said, “Son, you don’t like something? Well, offer it up!”
Today, Fr. Mike explores the traditional understanding of offering up your pain, embracing your suffering, and making sacrifices in the spiritual life.