Do you ever find yourself doing things to earn love? Whether it be the love of a parent, a spouse, a friend, or anyone else? When you take a look at your life, do you live like there are prerequisites to being loved?
I Heard God Laugh – The Deep Waters
If you consider yourself an expert in any specific field, you probably know how frustrating it is when someone less knowledgeable tries to tell you what to do. Even worse—when they’re right!
I Heard God Laugh – I Heard God Laugh
Prayer isn’t easy. We might have a moment, or a day, or even a week at a time where prayer feels very natural and rewarding—but there are also many challenges that come with maintaining a consistent spiritual life.
I Heard God Laugh – Does God Have a Sense of Humor?
There is an old Jewish blessing: “May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi.” A new prayer for this week might be, “May you be so close to Jesus you can hear him laugh!”
I Heard God Laugh – Six Life Changing Awakenings
Prayer is one of the most difficult things we can do in this life, but there is good news: God does all the heavy lifting!
I Heard God Laugh – The Sixth Shift
Each of the five seismic shifts so far has the power to completely transform your prayer life: begin the conversation, ask God what He wants, give yourself to prayer, transform everything into prayer, and make yourself available. But the sixth shift is more important than all of them put together.
I Heard God Laugh – The Fifth Shift
How available to God are you in your life? What’s stopping you from being 100% available to God? There is an amazing sense of freedom when you realize that one of your best abilities is availability!
I Heard God Laugh – The Fourth Shift
“Offer it up!” You may have heard this phrase from a parent or grandparent before. Sometimes it might feel like an excuse to ignore the pain that a difficult challenge in your life is causing. But it’s really an opportunity to transform every part of your day into prayer. Will you invite God into the smallest moments of your day today?
I Heard God Laugh – The Third Shift
We have the chance to give ourselves to lots of things. We can devote ourselves to our work. Pour ourselves into a workout regimen. Maintain a commitment to our family or our friends. But what about prayer? Can we say that we “give ourselves” to prayer?
I Heard God Laugh – The Second Shift
Did a parent or grandparent ever remind you, “God gave you two ears and one mouth! You should LISTEN twice as much as you speak.” It’s an easy concept to understand, but a difficult one to put into practice. Especially in our spiritual life!