Sermon Notes – We Must Give Our Gifts Away

“To Keep Our Gifts, We Must Give Them Away”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

September 7-8, 2019

Scripture: Luke 14:25-33

You cannot be My disciple unless you give away your belongings. Right now, some of you may be reaching for your wallets; but this is not a 2nd collection. Our parish is so very generous; when we need something, the money always comes. We give our money and time to Him, but we hold on to the worse things we have. What we don’t give Him are our crosses and sins…and that is what He wants most.

I tell my felons in the gated community that they are my missionaries inside the prison. They can give the other felons what I cannot…hope. They have found the means for carrying their crosses. And, by using those tools, they can reach other felons and bring them hope. Some say they cannot tell me the really bad stuff during Confession. Not true! One of the felons, a Catechist, killed his two children while off his meds.

I met a man in Hospice who passed away recently. He really busted my chops. He said, “Father, you look like the VC dressed in black.” This man was sexually abused as a child and later drafted to Vietnam. He had ALS and spent a lot of time in VA facilities. But, he was always smiling and friendly to everyone. He was able to help others who had the same problems as he. He knew what was coming, but he faced it with a joyful heart. Like the felons, we must use our crosses as a way to reach others. We can find strength in Him. So, go tell others what the Lord has done for you.

How will you apply this message to your life? Will you give away your gifts so that you can keep them? Will you tell others what He has done for you? Will you give Him your crosses and sins?

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