Sermon Notes – April 9, 2023 – The Ultimate Victim of Cancel Culture was Christ

Sermon Notes

The Ultimate Victim of Cancel Culture was Christ

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

April 8 – 9, 2023

Gospel:  John 20:1-9

Saturday night was a very special night in the Church.  You should have come for two reasons:   1) there was more room, and 2) the sermon was shorter.  Last night I baptized a young lady into the Faith, received another young lady into the Faith, and confirmed eight others into the Church.  It was also a wonderful night because we were waiting for our Lord to rise so that He could give us life.  We honored and made our act of faith that the Lord has been raised from the dead and is living among us.  And He is. 

Did you know that our Lord was the ultimate victim of Cancel Culture?  Cancel Culture is not new. . . . it has simply had different manifestations throughout the centuries.   Mental illness appears and wants the world to conform to it.  “If you were only better, I wouldn’t be so bad.” So, what did the ultimate Cancel Culture do?  Man tried to kill God.  Imagine the hutzpah of man to say, “Hey, I’m going to cancel God.”  Really?  You’re feeling your Wheaties today aren’t you!  But that’s what they did.  They crucified Him and stuck Him in a tomb in Palestine for three days.  Now, after three days in a tomb in Palestine, you are really, really dead.   But He rose.   In Matthew 28:11, the chief priests told the Roman guards to tell people that Jesus’ disciples had stolen His body while they slept.  Nobody steals anything from the Romans, and they weren’t afraid of anybody.  However, they tried to make people believe that Jesus never rose from the dead and that His body had been stolen.  But look at what happened.  Throughout the centuries, they have essentially proved, by their attacks, that Christ is alive and well.  They tried to kill Him, but they failed.  Christ is alive. 

You may know that my last name, “Fitzgibbons,” is from an Irish extraction.  My people went over to Ireland as “Gibbons.”   They went to Ireland, took over the place, and became “Fitzgibbons’.”  We liked what we saw and made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.  Maybe there’s some Italian in my background after all.  I don’t know.  The original spelling was with a capital “G” and no “S.”   Immigration and Naturalization did that when my great-grandfather came to the United States.  So, I have some Irish heritage that has been passed on through the families.  Now they say that the Irish have leprechauns.  I’ll let you in on a secret . . .they don’t exist except on the back of cereal boxes.  Do I get upset about leprechauns?  No.  Why?  Because they don’t exist.  Nobody gets upset about things that don’t exist. 

So why do people who say they don’t believe in Christ have such hatred for the Catholic Church?  If Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead and He’s not alive and active in the Church, why do they bother?  Why all this venom?  One reason is that those who attack the Church have a bad conscience.   In Canada, there have been 252 attacks on the Church just this year.  How many have there been in the United States?  If Christ wasn’t alive and active, why are they attacking the Church?  Why are they trying to change our ministry?  Last weekend they threw the Catholic chaplains out of Walter Reed Hospital.  They have also tried to change my ministry at the VA Hospital.  I am supposed to call people by certain pronouns.   Well, that ain’t happening.  Do you know who you are talking to here?  My name is “Father” which is a legal and proper name.  But they won’t call me that.  Then you may call me “Major.”   Do I call them by their preferred pronouns?  No.  I won’t underwrite psychological problems.  I want to help them, not cosign their crap.    Evil is making its case for the existence of Christ and His power, which is still active in this world, by attacking the Church.  Christ is still alive, and they are proving it by their actions.  Christ is still alive and active.  He is risen.  He gives us hope that at the end of our days we will live with Him if we do what He asks of us.  If we follow simple directions, if we do what He did, we will get what He got, and we will also rise with Him. 

That is why they are always attacking us.  By their actions, they are saying that Christ truly exists and is active in the world.  The tomb could not hold Him.  And the centuries could not diminish His power.  He is always active and making His presence and love known.   Christ is alive.  He is alive in the tabernacle.  That’s why people try to break into the tabernacle.  Christ is alive.  Why do they try to attack priests?   Because priests hold Mass and the Sacraments.  Christ is alive; otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.  I cannot come to your homes and order you to come to Mass.  “I don’t want to go.”   I’ve got some guys in the car . . . would you like me to call them in?   I cannot make any of you come to Mass.  You come because you love Christ.  There’s no coffee and doughnuts today, so you really are here because you love Him.  He is alive.  The world proves it.  Open up any newspaper and you will find many, many articles all testifying to the truth.  Because they fight against the truth, it doesn’t exist?   If Christ doesn’t exist, then why do they bother?   Sometimes what we see and hear can be very hurtful but smile and rejoice.  They too are proclaiming that our Lord is alive and active among us.  The tomb could not hold Him.  Sin could not defeat Him.  It could not defeat Him 2,000 years ago and it still can’t today.  Do not believe the Cancel Culture.  You see with your eyes that everything that happens in the Church is a testimony to the truth that Christ is alive and active.  From the Cross He said, “I thirst.” What does He thirst for?  He thirsts for our love.

How will you apply this message to your life?  _______________________________

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