Do you long for direction in your life? Do you find yourself creating your own path, and getting lost? Hitting dead ends?
Life can hit hard, and when it hits hard, who do we run to? We sure don’t run to a fantasy. Who is Jesus? We’ve learned these past few weeks that he was a human just like us. But is he more than that? More than just a nice guy, or a wise teacher? Is he truly our Lord who can save us?
God wants to give you more. How will you respond this Lent?
Fr. Mark Toups, an experienced spiritual director, leads readers inward to invite the Lord to heal those areas where they need it most. He follows the same format that more than a hundred thousand people enjoyed in Advent with his popular Rejoice! journals. Readers will receive daily guidance as well as supplemental videos, to help enter more deeply into Lent and remain focused throughout the season.
The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year C Presented by Fr. Mark Toups Product Owner: Julia Bernetsky
Producer/Director: Matt Pirrall
DP: Sean Boyd
Production/Editing: Coronation Media