Theology of the Body – Session Four – What Does This Mean for Your Life?

This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike. For free access to the entire series, please visit

“And now, O Lord, I am not taking this sister of mine because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that I may find mercy and may grow old together with her.” Tobit 8:7

In this fourth and final installment of the Theology of the Body Crash Course, we apply these teachings to Scripture. We look at the marriage of Tobias and Sarah and a reading from Song of Songs. We learn how the promises made during the sacrament of the Rite of Marriage bear the four marks of God’s love. Fr. Mike Schmitz then highlights three ways in which our society works against love that is free, total, faithful, and fruitful: through the use of contraception, pornography, and homosexuality (same-sex attraction). Summarizing what we’ve learned in each session, Fr. Mike instructs us in fasting, looking someone in the eyes, and saying no to ourselves. Implementing this way of life is a process, not an event.

We end this course with the words of Jesus and St. John Paul II: “Be not afraid.”

This series is brought to you for free by Fr. Mike’s local ministry, bulldogCatholic. This series is worth more than $80, but bulldogCatholic is providing it free of cost to you. Please donate to support their mission!…