“It’s a Choice”
Father Peter Fitzgibbons
March 2 – 3, 2019
Saint Paul was a teacher of the Gentiles. He asked them: What can separate you from God? The answer is not “what” but “who.” We are the only thing that can take us away from God. We choose to turn ourselves away from Him. We choose whether or not to honor Christ.
My grandfather was a police officer, but he never missed Mass…he went every Sunday. We can make up all kinds of excuses for not participating in Mass. A few examples I’ve heard are I’m busy on Sunday mornings, I have a family function to attend, I cannot find a Catholic Church, or my child has soccer practice. If you can find a Walmart, you can certainly find a Catholic Church. And, why would you risk your child’s soul for a soccer game? A soccer game is more important than Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins? Really? The truth is that we choose not to participate in Mass. It is offered on Saturday evenings and twice on Sundays…so there’s no good excuse.
If we are less fixated on ourselves, it will make more room for God, and we can be more in love with Him. God understands our human weakness, but He still holds us accountable. He will judge us on how we returned His Love.
How will you apply this message to your life? Will you be less fixated on self and make more room for God?