We have entered into a “global age” and it is unlikely that we will turn back at any point in the future. Today we hear the terms “global spirituality,” “global economy,” “globalization” and, although we may not be entirely sure of what these various terms mean, we know that our little corner of American soil is no longer a white, western European, Protestant territory but rather encompasses Asians, Africans, Hispanics and peoples from around the world. Is everyone Catholic? No. Is everyone Christian? No. So what does a humble God of love do in such a diverse world? Rejoice! Because God’s creation is a wonderful celebration of diversity. Our God is not a boring God! By exploring the relationship of a humble God to a world of difference we come to a more broadly conceived notion of the meaning of Christ.
— from the book The Humility of God: A Franciscan Perspective by Ilia Delio, OSF