Good Catholic – Telling the Truth

Telling the truth is a personal responsibility. True love for others and concern for their wellbeing means to tell the truth. With humility. With calmness. With gentleness.Even when it’s uncomfortable. It is never charity to encourage someone in sin or lie in order to make them feel comfortable. St. Thérèse of Lisieux knew this. “If I am not loved,” she said, for telling the truth, “so what!”

The Little Way

The Little Way makes holiness accessible to us despite our weaknesses and our ordinariness. It is a way of trust and love. This fresh application of the Gospel message is the legacy of the Little Flower. She lived the Little Way as it sprang from her heart, then left it to the Church she loved.As we deal with family, friends, neighbors, employers, co-workers, teachers, and especially those who are difficult, we can each do the “little.” Even in encounters with strangers, we can do the little, in love, for Jesus. The Little Way is manageable, not overwhelming. It is a means by which any one of us can become a saint.That is not to say that St. Thérèse’s Little Way is easy! To love in each moment may not mean we achieve a desired outcome or response. There are times when loving is a heroic act of the will. It may simply mean that we make every effort to give our best in that moment. Then we offer those moments to God in a childlike spirit of trust and abandonment. We make this offering with confidence, knowing that He sees our hearts and our intentions. We entrust all of our small efforts to the Lord, believing that He receives them as our Heavenly Father.

//Good Catholic//