The Catechism in a Year – Day 282 – The Sunday Obligation

Why are Catholics obligated to attend Mass every Sunday? The Catechism teaches us today about the centrality of the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist in the life of the Church. Fr. Mike emphasizes that Sunday Mass is at the heart of our worship because it is the participation in the representation of the Paschal Mystery. He invites us to honor the Sunday obligation out of love for Jesus. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2177-2183.

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Do I Have to Go to Mass?

Why do we go to Mass every Sunday? Is it because of what we “get out of it”? Is it the way it makes us feel? Is it out of love for God? Or something even deeper and more profound?

Today, Fr. Mike explains the Church’s teaching on Sunday Mass obligation, and why this is the way that God has asked us to worship him.

When Attending Mass Virtually Just Doesn’t Cut It

“It’s time to stop watching and start worshiping.” – Fr. Mike

Today, Fr. Mike continues part two of his series on worshipping God each Sunday at Mass and why our Sunday obligation is more about our relationship with a loving Father than a rule of Church law alone.