Daily Reflection – We are Hungry for Something
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Your body is spiritual. There are not two halves of you: soul versus body. You are one whole, made in the image of a God who is integrated and indivisible. Your relationship to your body cannot be separated from the health of your soul, for the two are intertwined to make up all that it means to be you. Your flesh and bones are sacred; they connect you to your soul’s experience of the divine. Science indicates that your body is composed partly of stardust. Faith tells us this was no accident. The presence of your body on this earth today is a miracle—a massive statistical improbability. And yet here you are, held fast in the divine generosity of this body you were given. Here you are, your flesh and bones a product of a perfect, generative, mysterious Love; a Love that holds all things together.
The contemplative tradition centers on an awareness of the reality that all things are interconnected; all things find oneness within one another, and thereby within God. With this contemplative posture in mind, think about the miracle of your body’s existence on the planet, here against all odds. Let yourself be amazed and humbled. As you come to honor your place in the universal life of God, see if you can notice and physically feel the gratitude in your body.
—from Luminous: A 30-Day Journal for Accepting Your Body, Honoring Your Soul, and Finding Your Joy,
by Shannon K. Evans
//Franciscan Media//
God Wants to Refresh Your Soul
Do you ever feel exhausted and overwhelmed? Has something been weighing on your heart or mind recently?
In this noisy, chaotic, broken world, it’s easy to feel worn out with no way to find true relief. Like you are stuck in a desert, yearning for a cool drink that’s nowhere to be found.
Today, Matthew reflects on one of the most spectacular images in all of the Gospels. If you let it, this one incredible promise from Jesus will wash away your worry and refresh your soul.
Every Sunday Just Got Better
A good meal will get you out of a hangry (hungry + angry) mood, but it takes more than a basket of chicken tenders to get you back to truly being the-best-version-of-yourself. The truth is — the next meal or purchase or thing isn’t going to solve the problems that keep you up at night. So maybe it’s time to switch your focus. Maybe it’s time to start feeding your soul instead…
You’re not fully you when you’re spiritually hungry. That’s why we created the Feed Your Soul Gospel Reflection program with Matthew Kelly and Allen Hunt! These free weekly videos were created just for you – so feed your soul and prepare for Sunday in a powerful way.
This week’s Gospel reflection is on Luke 24:35-4
“Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.”
— St. Teresa of Avila
//Catholic Company//