The Rosary in a Year – Day 60- Effects of Sin

Sometimes we don’t fully recognize or understand the effects of sin on our soul, but the mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar reveals the reality of sin to us. Fr. Mark-Mary continues the journey of reflecting on the passion of our Lord as it reveals the true nature of sin and the true nature of the heart of God. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.

The Rosary in a Year – Day 59 – The Nature of Sin

As we begin journeying through the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, Fr. Mark-Mary uses the parable of the Prodigal Son to illustrate how Jesus’ Agony in the Garden reveals humanity’s rejection of God’s gift. However, despite this rejection we find salvation in Jesus’ incredible love for us. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Agony in the Garden and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.

Minute Meditation – Love Conquers Sin

It was because Christ was the perfect adorer of God, the perfect bridge between creatures and the Creator, that he could bridge the gap created by sin. Sin was not first in God’s intentions; but because we sinned, when God does come among us as Jesus Christ, his perfect adoration ends up being his perfect sacrifice.

He didn’t come to repair sin, he came to be the firstborn perfect creature; but because we sinned, he showed us just how great is God’s love: God not only becomes one of us, but he dies with and for us and made peace “through the blood of his cross.”

—from the book Nourishing Love: A Franciscan Celebration of Mary
by Murray Bodo, OFM

Love Conquers Sin | Franciscan Media

What is Purgatory?

We all want to be saints, but the struggle against sin and selfishness can feel overwhelming. There may be days where we might feel satisfied simply making it to purgatory rather than entering the pearly gates. But is this lukewarm path the only way to make it to heaven?

Today Fr. Mike delves into the reality that in this life, we are given every opportunity to prepare our souls for God’s presence. Embracing the sufferings of this moment purifies us the way the refining fire of purgatory would. In this way, we can prepare ourselves in this temporary world to live alongside our Lord in the everlasting world.

Healing from the Wound of Sin

Our sins can leave a wound, even after we confess them. It can take time to move on from decisions and actions we made in our past. Fr. Mike helps us work through the pain of our sins and shows us how we can find true freedom and joy in our relationship with God.

Can I Sin on Accident?

As you prepare for Confession, you might find yourself struggling to figure out which sins you should confess. Can we commit sin without knowing it? Here Fr. Mike explains the 3 elements that must be present for an act to be a sin. This video will help you determine what you should and should not confess.

Pride Movement: God’s Plan? – Explaining the Faith

The Gay Pride Movement is everywhere, but what is behind it – love or sin? What do you need to know and what does the Church teach about it? Fr. Chris Alar explains what is happening and why in this part of his Woke Series. Streamed live on Jul 15, 2023

“©2022 Used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Stockbridge, MA, USA. All rights reserved.
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